10 Things That Need to Be Done After Moving In

Moving into a new house can be nothing short of tedious. Let’s not get started on the unpacking that needs to be done, the boxes lying around aimlessly, the items begging to be put in their proper place. These and many more spell the word, STRESSFUL!

Inspect Delivered Boxes

You’ve probably seen the movies where a box wired with a bomb gets delivered to an unsuspected individual, haven’t you!? Well, no need to fret because things like that usually happen only in movies. It is, however, very important to go through all the boxes delivered to your new home.
Inspect Delivered Boxes
This is to make sure that all your items are complete and accounted for and also to ensure that there are no damages.

Carefully inspect every box immediately they are delivered. Any hint of unscrupulous behaviour by the movers or any missing or forgotten item should be directed to the moving company!

Get Your Utilities Up

Water, electricity, cable TVs, security systems, these things make our lives a whole lot easier. Imagine moving into a new house and not being able to take a shower! Nerve-wracking, right!?

It is advisable to adequately get your utilities up and running before you move into your new home but if you didn’t do that better late than never.

Connect to The Internet

The world is a global village, alright! The odds are that your whole work or livelihood is in one way or another linked to the internet. We’re in the computer age and the internet is just something that cannot be easily done away with. So please, do yourself a favour — connect the internet in your new house!

Unpack Essentials

One of the daunting things to do after moving to a new house is probably unpacking. It might sometimes take a few days or weeks and for some people even months before they completely get all their things out of those big brown boxes. It’s fine to work at your speed but before you let the burden of moving get to you, make certain that your essentials are put in their rightful place for comfort and ease of access.
Unpack Essentials

Change The Locks

Making concerted and conscious efforts to safeguard your new house cannot be overemphasized, and one of the best ways to do that is to change the locks once you move in. You never know who has the keys to the old lock, you know? So make that effort, take that bold step, change that lock! You can also make use of “Apartment movers near me” to ease you off the stress of moving into a new home.

Arrange home protection

Now that you have new locks, it is advisable to get home protection. You are probably not expecting a burglar anytime soon, but nobody expects burglars, anyway. With crime rate increasing daily, taking good measures to protect your home is the smart thing to do. Arrange for surveillance systems, fire alarms and security systems in the home to protect your properties.

Good security systems will regulate the entry and exit of people into your building, and generally, put your mind at rest.

Continue unpacking things

There are always more boxes to unpack. Don’t sleep on it, or you just might end up never unpacking it. If you leave clothes too long in boxes, they begin to gather fabric moths, and dust, which may end up damaging them. Remove the things that are still in the boxes, and arrange them in their proper position.
Continue unpacking things

Change the address

I am sure you do not want to keep missing your deliveries each time they come in because the delivery guy has the wrong address. Changing your address is very important. We usually put in our address in the insurance, the post office, tax agencies, our workplace, phone and cable utilities, credit card information and a lot of other places. When we move without changing the address, there would be a lot of mix up of goods, services, and information.

This may seem tedious, but most of the alteration can be made by a simple call to customer service lines.

Arrange for professional cleaning

I know you think you can handle it, but it does not take any time to find out that self-cleaning a new home is complicated. In large houses, the stress is even double, and you do not want to start a cleaning job and leave it incomplete. Save yourself all of the hassle by contacting a professional home cleaning company to do the job.

Some homes have stayed unoccupied for years before arrivals of new occupants. If you move into a home like this, then chances are you have other ‘roommates’ there. Dusts, dirt and insects should have gathered in the empty home, creating room for diseases. You do not have to start climbing ladders to clean rooftops and ceiling fans, or entering unused basements and attics to clean up, as this could take weeks. A professional cleaning service will get the job done easier, faster, and do a pretty much better job than you.

Organize a housewarming party with neighbours

Organize a housewarming party with neighbours
You finally did it. Everywhere looks clean, and there are no filled boxes left. Now, your home is glowing and you feel like you can’t see this glow alone. Invite some good friends and the neighbours! It does not have to cost you a lot of money or resources. With a little music, some bottles of wine and fun pastries, you can organize a cool housewarming party. This will help you get to know the neighbours better, giving you a welcoming feeling.

Bonus Tip

Don’t catch up in the unavoidable and frustrating frenzy of it all, here are a few things you should ensure you do:

https://californiamoversusa.com/moving-services/apartment/. This information will help you to get through the move calmly.

Breathe! Moving can be stressful, yes, that fact has been established. However it can also be fun and exhilarating. No matter how frustrating it can be, you can’t get the hint of excitement out of the air and as such you must never forget to calm down, smell the roses and take in all the excitement. Don’t forget to breathe!