5 Ways to Decorate Your Front Lawn This Christmas

It is that time of the year again when you open the doors of your home to welcome your loved ones from places far away to celebrate the best festival of the year together. With Christmas celebrations right around the corner, there is no doubt that you must already be making plans of how you will celebrate this year with your family members, friends, and relatives.

However, with the biggest festive season of the year comes the huge responsibility of decorating the indoor and outdoor area of your home in a way that captures the feel and essence of this heartwarming and joyful event.

From lights to Christmas trees and garlands, there are so many great decoration ideas for a lawn that it becomes difficult to choose what will look best for your outdoor space.

In order to make things easier for you, we have put together a list of five of the best ways to decorate your lawn so that it becomes the highlight of your neighborhood.

Connect With Kids & Your Inner Child

Connect With Kids & Your Inner Child
There is no doubt that all the fun and joy related to this special occasion holds a much deeper meaning for kids than for us adults. As we grow older, we often miss how much we enjoyed the simple things about Christmas when we were young.

This Christmas let your inner child take over so that you can connect with the kids in your family and feel how they feel about Christmas. Here are some ideas for you to try:

  • Put an adequately themed and colored mailbox in your lawn that reads “Letters to Santa”. This cute gesture is sure to make your family smile. While kids will love to write for Santa, we recommend that adults join in on the fun too!
  • Decorate the windows that open towards your lawn with ornaments carved and shaped into favorite Christmas characters in popular fiction and kid’s stories such as Rudolph the reindeer, Elsa from the animated movie Frozen, fairies, elves and whatever else you fancy.
  • Putting up a Christmas tree on your lawn is also a great idea. Add some pretty lights, garlands, and decorations to brighten up the whole outdoor area.
  • Make sure to have some elegant outdoor furniture on the lawn so that the whole family can spend some quality relaxing together outside while the kids run around and play.

Have a Spectacular Outdoor Lighting Display

When it comes to decorations for your pathway displays for your lawn, there is a wide range of options available in the market. Many shops stock them and they all come with do-it-yourself installation so, with absolutely no fuss or hassle involved, you can just make your lawn look like a firework display frozen in time. Over the years, Christmas lights have become a lot more creative and they come in all kinds of different shapes, sizes, and styles.
Have a Spectacular Outdoor Lighting Display
Icicle lights along your windows and roofline are the perfect way to create the holiday look. They are easy to set up and give your exterior a warm and cozy feel. If you want to go one step ahead, consider white snowflake lights to turn your house into a winter wonderland. In addition to these, you will also find ground lights, LED lights and light projectors. With the right lighting display, you can give your lawn an instantly festive look that is sure to attract your guests and visitors from far.

Make Use of Inflatable Decorations

Another family-friendly option that makes our list for effortless ways to decorate your lawns this Christmas season is the lovely inflatable decorations that have become a hit with homeowners. Again the choices available are simply innumerable and the only problem you would have with them is deciding which ones to select otherwise they are extremely easy to set up. As the name suggests, all they need is you to pick a spot, pump them up with air and voila! Your lawn will be brimming with cheerful decorations in no time.

The best part is that they are also easy to pack away. Once you are done using them, you can simply deflate them and it’s all done – your lawn is back to the way it was.

Put Up A Sign That Says It All

If you are really running out of time and cannot seem to get your head around what to do, then here is a quick solution for you: forget all the complicated decorations and simply put up a sign that greets all guests and neighbors with a delightful message that captures the essence of this festive season. It can be as simple as ‘Merry Christmas’ or something more creative. However do make sure that your sign is clearly visible, bright in colors, and suitably lit so that people can read it from afar. This is by far one of the quickest solutions for those who don’t have the time for extensive décor.

One thing to ensure is that your sign needs to be sturdy enough not to be blown away with the slightest gush of air. In some countries, Christmas can be extremely chilly and windy so your sign should be strong enough to withstand the weather. There is no point in wasting your effort in putting up a great sign in your lawn only to wake up the other morning to see it laying on the ground or nowhere to be found. You want a sign that stays with you throughout the season, at the very least!

Decorate your Pathway

Christmas Yard Decorating Ideas
Last but certainly not least, you need to get some decorations for your pathway. Lighted figures are an excellent option to consider. If you are finding trouble locating them, look for them in the garden sculptures and statues section at the store. You will find different figures including garden gnomes, fairies and reindeers in various sizes to light up your lawn.

If you are looking for some decorations for your fencing, consider hanging garlands on them. Long garlands are the perfect decoration for fencing as they can drape around them easily and bring them to life instantly. You can also add red ribbons or other small decorations on the garlands to further enhance their look.


When it comes to Christmas decorations, there is so much you can do to brighten up your home. Outdoor decorations are even more important than indoor decorations, as they can be seen by the entire neighborhood, rather than just visitors to your home.

Therefore, take your time deciding what you want to do and then make your ideas come to life. Use some of the ideas mentioned up and you are sure to end up with a beautiful lawn. Merry Christmas!