6 Important Things To Know Before A Roof Redo

Nothing compares to the great feeling, emerged from the realization that you own a house. But just as all other awesome things in life, this one also has another side of the coin – being a homeowner is a huge responsibility. Indeed, there is small stuff and there is big stuff you have to deal with on a daily basis, of course, if you want to enjoy a comfortable life without too much stress and hassle. 

Taking care of the small stuff is usually not truly stressful, mainly due to the fact, small problems can wait and can be solved at relatively modest costs. Well, the big stuff is another story, big issues can easily turn into a disaster if not addressed on time. The roof of the house is exactly one such problem that always seeks an immediate reaction because it’s in charge of protecting your sweet home from sun, rain, snow, and all other conceivable and inconceivable whims of your local weather.

If you are a lucky owner of a brand new roof or you’re that responsible guy who has missed the yearly inspection, then you can safely skip this article or save it for future reference, let’s say in ten years or so. However, if your roof is in its teens, has broken or missing shingles, and you cannot remember the last time it was inspected by professionals, all chances are it’s just a matter of time when you notice the first warning signs.

Needless to say, the worst possible option is to learn that you need a new roof the hard way, watching mold, water stains, or literally pouring water inside your house. It’s better not to let things go so far and try to eliminate problems at the very beginning. Anyway, if you are thinking of your roof redo, here are 6 important things to know before rolling your sleeves up.

Make Sure You Really Need A Roof Replacement

Despite what you may think, even if your roof is leaking, it doesn’t always mean it requires a replacement. Depending on the problem that causes the leakage, you may be offered different options, including smaller repairs and replacement of the broken shingles. To know exactly the condition of your roof and whether or not it is “ripe” for a complete redo, you need an expert opinion of one of the certified siding and roofing contractors that work in your area. They will inspect the roof and give you a comprehensive report on the current situation and answer the main question. It’s highly possible that your roof is not a candidate for an immediate replacement and you can perfectly make do with certain repairs and enhancements. If a new roof is inevitable, then you will get an estimate and all other details regarding the process.

Local Companies Are Always The Right Choice

Nowadays, search is mainly done on the internet but while it is not really important from where you get your new smartphone or a spare part for your car, in the case of a roofing company, look no further than your local area. There is a myriad of reasons to hire local guys, not only do they know the weather specificities in the region where you live but you can also have an opportunity to see their past work with your own eyes and no photoshop involved. 

In addition to that, they are well-versed in the paperwork requirements, installation codes, and have vast experience in dealing with all the red tape quickly and efficiently. It’s great if your neighbors can give you a recommendation but if not, simply compile a list of companies you consider appropriate and make sure to meet with the representatives face to face.

Get The Best Quality Within Your Budget

It’s no secret, everyone has to budget, however, there is a big difference between budgeting by buying the cheapest materials and doing your best to get the best quality you can afford. Even replacement of a smaller roof is a solid investment and people normally expect the new roof to last for years. Well, when using cheap materials, forget about quality and stress-free life in many years to come. You will still spend a lot of money but instead of getting more bang for your buck, you will get constant repairs and a prospect of another replacement in some fifteen years or so. 

Residential Roofing Jobs Are Done In Few Days

Even though getting a new roof sounds like a long-term project, in reality, the majority of residential roofing jobs do not take more than a few days, of course, if you have true professionals on your side. Roofs that are complex in structure and large-scale commercial projects are another story and may last for several weeks. Anyway, never ask your contractor to “hurry up”, because the quality of roof installation is of utmost importance. If not done properly, your roof will never get closer to the manufacturer’s specified lifespan, so do not start the redo of your roof if you think it’s not a good time for such a serious project.

Materials That Are Usually Included In The Roof Redo

Shingles are far from being the only thing that makes a new roof, there is a pretty extensive roster of materials that are needed for the competition of the roof replacement. Besides roof decking, flashing, and underlayment, there are also ice and water shields, ridge capping, pipe boots, roof vents, and drip edges. Well, if you have an asphalt roof you won’t need to replace decking and flashing, but still, there are plenty of things to keep in mind.

The Price Of A New Roof

Even though prices may vary greatly depending on the size of the roof, the pitch, and materials you are going to use, be ready to pay between $10,000 and $20,000 for a brand new covering. If you get an offer that sounds too good to be true, it probably is, hence do not hunt for the lowest price but for the best quality you can get for your money.

A need for a new roof is never great news but let’s face it, there’s not much you can do about it. Try to focus on what really matters to ensure your new roof will last for many years to come.