7 Things to Prepare Before Steaming Your Carpet

For most people, the carpet they put in their home is a big investment. Because of this, it should be taken care of properly to ensure it lasts as long as possible. One of the best ways to take care of your carpeting is to have it regularly steam cleaned. Steam carpet cleaning is an easy, effective way to remove dirt and debris stuck deep in the fibers of your carpet. For the steam cleaning to be done properly, there are steps to take to prepare your floors to be cleaned.

The best time to have your carpet steam cleaned is when there is no one around to walk on it and you can open your windows to allow for quicker drying. It is important to remove everything out of the room before having it steam cleaned by a professional company. Once they have finished, stay off the carpet and out of the room until it is fully dry. Walking on the freshly steamed carpet can add stains and mud.

Step 1: Clear Rooms

Clear Rooms
The first step in preparing to have your carpet steam cleaned is to remove everything out of the rooms getting the steam treatment. The process can be more effective when all clutter and furniture are out of the way. The more objects you can remove out of the space, the more efficient the cleaning will be.

Step 2: Dust Room From Top To Bottom

Aside from clearing all furniture and belongings out of the room, dusting should be completed before steam cleaning as well. When the company is steam cleaning your carpets, they may knock some dust off of your baseboards and into the carpet. Now is the perfect time to use a dust cloth and wood polish to clean your fans and baseboards. You do not want your carpets to be cleaned and then have dust falling and making it dirty again.

Step 3: Vacuum Carpet Thoroughly

Steam cleaning is meant to remove small pieces of dirt particles that are deep in the fibers of your carpeting. It is not meant to remove large pieces of dirt or hair entangled on the carpet strands. To ensure the steam cleaning is effective, thoroughly vacuum the entire room beforehand. Take your time and go over each area more than once to ensure all pieces of dirt, debris and hair are removed.

Step 4: Stain Removal

Stain Removal
Steam cleaners are not meant to lift set-in stains out of your carpet fibers. Stains should be removed before the cleaning so the steamer can work more effectively. Use the appropriate carpet stain removers or other natural cleaning solutions to pre-treat stains. You may blot the stain remover with a rag or leave the cleaner on the carpet until you steam clean it. Keep in mind, it is best not to rub a stain back and forth with the cloth. Doing this could make the stain work deeper into your carpet fibers and become harder to remove.

Step 5: Hire Steam Cleaning Company

If you want your carpet steam cleaned properly, it is best to hire the services of a professional cleaning company. They will have the necessary equipment, experience and knowledge to get your carpets as clean as possible. Take your time and compare different companies to find out what their services and prices are.

Step 6: Compare Services

Because you will be inviting a carpet cleaning company into your home, you need to find a professional company you can trust. When reviewing several companies, check out their online reviews to see how previous customers enjoyed their services. The best companies offer a multitude of carpet cleaning services to meet the needs of their customers. Keep in mind, price alone should never be the determining factor when choosing a carpet cleaning company to hire.

Step 7: Allow Carpet To Dry Completely

Allow Carpet To Dry Completely
It is extremely important to allow your carpet to dry completely before walking on it. Depending on the type of carpet you have and the amount of water that the carpet cleaning company uses, it can take between 6 and 24 hours to dry completely. If you need to walk across your carpet, cover your feet in plastic bags to keep from tracking dirt onto your wet carpeting.