8 Places You Want Near a Potential Home

Choosing a potential new home is a huge task.

But, while you are scouring the homes for the perfect kitchen, backyard, and bedroom/bathroom ratio, don’t forget to take a look at what is around a potential home.

You can have the perfect home that ticks all the boxes, but if you have to drive an hour to get to your favorite grocery store, or making a swing by the pharmacy is a hike, maybe it’s not so perfect after all?

Read on for 8 places you want to make sure are in pretty close proximity to your new home.

1. Your workplace

This is probably one that does not get forgetting very often, but making sure your commute isn’t a total bummer, is high on our list.

Sure, you can probably get really into podcasts and tell yourself that your 1 hour + commute is fine, but let’s be real – it’s kind of annoying.

Do a simple google maps search to make sure that you are comfortable with your distance to your work over a potentially very long time.

2. Good schools

Even if you don’t have kids right now, or are not planning on ever having any, making sure good schools are in close proximity will give you a higher selling or renting potential – if you ever sell or rent out your home.

If you do have a child, making sure the local schools are great should be a no-brainer.

And the closer it is, the better, considering that there will likely be daily trips back and forth – not including teacher’s nights and extracurricular activities.

3. Your preferred grocery stores

Everyone has a favorite grocery store, and on those off occasions that you have to shop at one that you don’t like, it throws off your whole shopping experience.

Think about your favorite places to shop for food and everyday essentials (hello, Target), and make sure they are in pretty close proximity for weekly grocery trips or even a late-night cupcake craving.

4. Your pharmacy

You probably visit your pharmacy less often than your favorite grocery store, but when you aren’t feeling well or just need to pick up that prescription before the store closes, pharmacy visits can feel like a chore.

Make your pharmacy visits more enjoyable by scoping out a preferred pharmacy pre-move, and trust us, ones with drive-throughs are a huge plus.

Want to save even more time? Look into if you can get some of your prescriptions online through free telemedicine consults with companies like Strut Health for skin, hair, and sex issues.

If you are a good fit for treatment, your prescription can be shipped to your front door in 2-business days.

Because, nothing saves more time that nixing that in-person office visit and pharmacy trip altogether.

5. Your friends and family

You never want to consider missing out on meet-ups and events just because you don’t feel like making a long drive.

Plus, it is great to be able to pop over for a quick impromptu visit to friend or family member’s place when they are having a bad day, or celebrating something great.

Staying connected by being relatively close to your loved ones will help you appreciate your new home even more.

6. Restaurants you like

Even if you tend to prefer cooking at home, popping out for a quick or fancy meal every once in a while is fun, especially after a long day.

Avoid dimming this special event by taking on a long trek, and take the time to scope out the restaurants in the area.

Do you get late-night fry cravings? Make sure your #1 fry joint is reasonably close.

Are Tuesday taco nights your fave? Read the reviews and pick out a quality taqueria not too far from home.

7. Your hobbies and interests

This one is variable person-to-person, but have a long think about what kinds of things you love to do and make sure you are kind of close to them.

If you are a beach bum – pretty close beach distance.

Love walking your dog at the park – walkable trails and scenery.

Are movies your thing – a nearby cinema that is just your style.

This one is specific to what you like, just keep in mind that it is more likely you will do these things more often when they are closer to your home.

8. The airport

Having a short jaunt to the airport may not be all the important if you only fly a couple of times a year, but if you are a gallivanter or travel a lot for work, this is a big deal.

Do a distance calculator from your potential new home to the airport to see if it works well for you.


A great location and proximity to all the necessities and favorites will help make a good home a perfect one.

Do some google mapping to make sure your work, schools, shops, friends, family, and hobbies are all right there for you to enjoy without a long drive or commute.