8 Top Reasons Why Building a House Is Better Than Buying

Most people study the pros and cons of buying versus renting a house, but is there a better option? For some people, building a house from scratch tops all other options. The fact that they can customize their home according to their own standards is enough to end the debate, but perhaps you need more reasons to make this choice. 

If you’re stuck wondering about the best option, here are 8 top reasons why building a house is definitely better than buying one. 

1. You Get to Customize the House

If you make a list of all the houses you’ve stayed at, how many will you truly describe as your own? Have you ever had a say in all the tiny little details, like the doorknobs, light switches, electricity plug placements, or window placement? If you didn’t get the chance to customize these small details, then you’ve definitely never gotten a say in the bigger layout and design of the house. This is why a lot of people prefer buying a customized house – but you’ll never truly get to customize a house unless you build it from scratch. 

Once you build your own home, there are a lot of things you can adjust according to your preferences, tastes, and needs. You’ll be able to take your future into account and build the house accordingly. You’ll be able to create the home-gym you’ve always dreamed of, a working studio, an indoor infrared sauna, or an outdoor entertainment area. The number of floors, the size of the rooms, the layout of each floor; you’ll get to customize everything to fit your lifestyle, your family’s future, and your friends’ preferences as well.

2. Competition Won’t Hinder You

Building a house can be a hassle, no one can deny that fact. However, if you take a look at the state of the real estate market, you’ll find even more reasons to endure this hassle. When it comes to real-life, most properties put up for sale are purchased in a matter of 22 days, if not less. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a decent home within your budget limits and claim it before anyone else. Meanwhile, you won’t have to face any competition at all if you decide to build your own home. 

3. You Get to Choose the Builder

When you buy a house, the only option you usually have is to look for a good property through real estate agencies. You’ll never be able to fully guarantee the credibility of the property since most real estate agencies focus on hitting their targets at the expense of the buyers. However, that’s never the case with building your own home. 

When you decide to build your custom home, you’ll have a lot of choices to make. One of these choices is the builder who’ll construct your home. You’ll be able to research local builders until you find the best. So, if you’re living in the South Coast, Ballina, or anywhere else in Australia, you’ll get to choose home builders who are experienced in constructing modern houses according to the needs of the region. They’ll be able to construct the home with the best material, according to the most recent codes, while taking into account all your personal preferences and requests. 

4. A New House Means Less Maintenance

One of the best perks of building a new house is that you’ll be the first owner. You won’t get a hand-me-down apartment in which appliances have been exhausted, the paint has been tainted, or the structure has been damaged after years of usage. You won’t have to the cost of wasting time, effort, and resources on repairing the house until it feels comfortable to live in. Moreover, a lot of home builders offer a warranty for a specific period in case something gets damaged in the structure. On the plus side, a new house means new appliances, and these will last you years until they require repair or replacement.

5. You Endure Lower Electricity Bills

Another great perk of building your own home is that you get to choose the kind of energy you’ll use. You can go completely green and install solar panels on the roof, which will drastically cut down your electricity bills. Moreover, adopting solar panel systems can make you eligible to get Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) and federal tax reductions. Even if you don’t go solar, you can still significantly reduce your electricity bills by installing the newest energy-efficient systems and materials. 

6. You’re Free to Use the Technology You Desire

Smart home technology has come a very long way. Although there’s nothing cooler than being able to command your home as you wish, most homeowners are reluctant to install smart technology for many reasons. Turning a house smart requires changing a lot of the structure of the house, which means investing a lot of money in remodeling the house and even more in purchasing the technology. On the other hand, building a new house around technology is much more affordable and efficient. You’ll be able to imbed security and safety systems, multi-room audio systems, lighting fixtures, and install other smart home technology as you see fit. 

7. You’ll Enjoy Better Privacy

If the previous points weren’t enough to convince, perhaps you’ll be bought by the idea of having complete privacy. When you look around for a house to buy, you’ll be limited to the locations where the houses are built; you won’t have any say in the matter. However, that’s not the case with building a house. In fact, the process starts by purchasing land, which you’ll have complete freedom in choosing where it’s located. Additionally, you get to choose the neighborhood, surrounding schools, nearby attractions (or lack thereof), as you please. You may even opt to build your house in a rural land away from all prying eyes. 

8. You May Save More Money

So far, we haven’t tackled one of the most vital points of the argument. For most people, the price of building versus buying a house is a deciding factor. The thing is, the cost of building a house can be cheaper or more expensive than buying a house – it depends on many factors, like the cost of materials, the loan structure, and the cost of building and licensing procedures. However, generally speaking, if you already own a piece of land, then building a house can be just as affordable, or even cheaper, than buying a house. 

Building your own home creates a sense of ownership unlike any you can experience with buying a ready-made property. You get to pour your soul into the building, which often comes with an unmatched pride. However, since owning a house is a big investment, you’ll need to take your time in weighing the pros and cons of all your options to make sure you reach the most suitable decision.