A Complete Checklist to Make Your Home Cleaning Process Easier

Everyone loves a clean home but not the cleaning process. People start thinkingabout why there is a need for regular vacuuming or why regular gutter cleaning is important? Most of us consider cleaning a tough and tedious task.

However, cleaning your home isn’t aschallenging as you think. The way to managing household chores quickly and proficiently is a key to how your cleaning process can be simple and easy. But still, if you find a house cleaning a tough task, then you can make a checklist and schedule your cleaning weekly or monthly.

Let’s look over a complete home cleaning checklist.

Make a schedule for cleaning

Planning can make everything easy so if you want to clean your home most efficiently, plan and schedule cleaning in your house. For example, if you notice dusty cabinets on Tuesday and you realize that Wednesday is your cleaning day, it’s significantly less stressed than if you have no clue about when you’ll find time to clean them.

The trick lies in making a practical timetable that works for you and your home. A simple-to-follow schedule can make your home cleaning easy. Truth be told, when set up effectively you feel less stressed and your house will be mess-free.

Know how to start cleaning and what items are required

To begin with, you’ll need to make notes precisely on what should come to your mind to have a pleasant, clean home. Grab all tools and cleaning equipment. Start to walk through your space, room by room to know what items are required to clean that particular room and how you can prepare yourself for the cleaning process.

Every room of your house has particular needs and can be different through your cleaning process. However, some cleaning items are general like a vacuum, bucket, mops, general cleaner, soap and water.Kitchens might need baking soda and vinegar.

So, let’s check how to clean different rooms and what is on your essential checklist for those particular rooms:

  • Kitchen

  1. Start to clean and disinfect counters and sinks. Your countertops and sinks may be greasy so keep an extra cleaner on your checklist to remove grease.
  2. Clean the oven and stoves. Make sure you have the right wiper or sponge as ovens and stoves can be a little tricky to clean. Soak stove drip pans and knobs into the sink for some time.
  3. Clean the electronic appliances but with care. It is better to wipe out dust with a dry cloth.
  4. Don’t forget to clean all the cabinets inside and outside.
  5. Carefully sweep and mop your kitchen floor.

  • Bathroom

  1. Bathroom mirrors can be blurry with shower steam. So, keeps the mirror cleaning on your essential bathroom cleaning checklist as a top priority.
  2. Remove everything from the tub and shower and clean them with warm water.
  3. Remove rugs and wastebaskets before cleaning and also give them a thorough cleaning.
  4. For floor cleaning, apply tile cleaner and let it sit for a while and then wash with a brush.
  5. Keep in mind to clean all little things used in the bathroom like shower rack and soap dishes.
  6. Clean sink with a scrubber and all around the vanity. 
  7. Clean your faucets with the help of a grout brush.
  • Bedroom

  1. First of all, remove all the clutter and organise your wardrobe and dresser.
  2. Dust out your bed and all the furniture and use a vacuum cleaner in the room for cleaning.
  3. Wipe out windows and clean them with glass cleaner. And don’t forget window sills.
  4. Clean windows with all-purpose cleaner and water.
  • All other rooms

  1. Dust out the light fixture, roof fan and remove corner spider webs from all rooms.
  2. Clean door handles and give dry wipes to door frames.
  3. Dust out windowsills, blinds, photo frames, lampshades, and furniture in the whole house
  4. Organise your books, magazines into shelves or almirah. 
  5. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean all the floors.
  6. Replace rugs and doormats. There is so much dust under your doormats, so cleaning them or replacing them weekly is necessary.

So, apart from the rooms inside, outside cleaning is also important. One can apply a similar way to clean the outer area. Otherwise, it would affect your home image. Untreated exterior footways, gutters and gardens will invite insects, especially, the nasties that start lurking in your gutters.


Hopefully, with the above checklists, you have a better idea of how to clean each room in your house. You can even clean your rooms by scheduling cleaning on different days for different rooms, as per your comfort. And, don’t be a hassle with cleaning supplies. Clean with what you have.

Author Bio:

Hello everyone, I am Ariana Mortenson, a professional writer and blogger. I write on various niches in a way that it’s understandable and appealing to the people. I aim to achieve a difference through my writing which allows you to make informed and valuable choices.