Advantages of Podium Steps for Home and Workplaces

Working with heights is quite a risky endeavor, whether working from home or in your office. When you use step ladders or simple ladders to climb, you might fall and get into fatal accidents, especially if there is no one around to help.

The best way to ensure your safety when working at home or in the office is to use podium steps.

According to statistics, falls in the workplace when a person climbs heights are a leading cause of employee injuries and deaths.

Due to these risks, guidelines for Health and Safety Executives are becoming more complex. The complex guidelines concern any person climbing any height above the ground, no matter how many meters. Before now, podium steps were only mandated by HSE for a height above two meters. Now, they are necessary for any level, provided a person leaves the ground.

When seeking podium steps for hire or looking to get HSE approval, you need to consider the following features to ensure it is safe and secure.

The podium steps should have firm contact with the ground

Many podium steps have solid castor wheels that you can lock and keep in one place to avoid sudden and injurious movements. You can also get a podium base with anti surf plates for extra safety, advice experts from Lakeside-Hire. Anti surf plates are metal feet that hold the floor tight and prevent the object from moving unless you dismount.

The podium steps should be easy to use

Based on HSE regulations, ladders should be at an angle of 75 towards the floor if a person climbs on it. You can also connect it to an object for security. However, working in tight areas makes it difficult to secure, store, and move these ladders.

Podiums are easy to move, stand, and you can fold and store them properly.

Podium steps have Strong Structure 

Podium steps are made from strong aluminum that doesn’t corrode. They are also constructed with the same 50mm tubing used to manufacture scaffolding.

All joining points are welded through the tube’s diameter to avoid separation.

No matter how long you use aluminum podium steps, they will not bend. However, wooden platforms might bow. But they also have a surface with a texture that prevents a person from falling off the platform.

Working from heights is easy and safe with podium steps

Podium steps have a safety rail that is one meter high and goes around its perimeter to prevent falling.

This railing and the stable and large podium helps people to move and work comfortably at a 360-degree angle while they work. So, you can access working heights comfortably without having to lean out of a ladder. There is no need to worry about losing balance with podium steps.

Final Thoughts 

From the points above, we see that it is better to seek podium steps for hire or purchase instead of ladders. They are a safer and stronger option for work, and you can also transport and store it better.