Can a Locksmith Make An Original Key For Repairing a Locked Cylinder?

In our busy daily lives, we sometimes unintentionally encounter some mistakes, such as losing keys or left keys at home. This is an awful situation for having a bad day! 

Don’t worry! We can hear your pain. There are many serrurier Bruxelles in the town, even near your residents. Now you may have one question that there may be a category in their service. The good news is that they are covering almost all the problems regarding your locks or related things!

But don’t panic! They don’t have any key to your lock, but they can make another one for you instantly. Even, a locksmith can make an original key for repairing a cylinder lock.

Can a Locksmith Repair A Cylinder Lock?

Yes, of course! A locksmith can repair your lock cylinder without having the original key. They can make a new one that is easily fitted to your lock. Before knowing how it works, you should know a little bit about the cylinder lock first.

Cylinder Lock

The cylinder lock contains several internal pins, and those can move around while entering any key due to their serrated edges. For having these internal pins, it is also called a pin tumbler. It is almost difficult to change the hardware, which is a great advantage.

Along with this, the star rate increases with the security level that a cylinder lock provides. For example, a three-star lock is more challenging to break than a two-star lock system. 

How can a locksmith make an original key for a lock cylinder?

Technically, a locksmith duplicates the original key, which is not the original one; but by which you can unlock your locked cylinder easily. Let’s discuss the ways one by one:

Cut the key code!

This is probably the easiest technic that a locksmith may apply in making a key from the lock. For a lock, you may find a set of characters used in a key while making it. Copying those characters is a feasible solution to unlock the lock. 

Two types of key codes are primarily used: the blind code and the bitting code.

Remember that it may not always work, especially when the original key is absent. But this happens when locksmith must require the code access in high-security locks where users get code cards specifically or stamped onto the original keys!

Sometimes, you may not find the bitting code on the lock, but the access can give you a track. In this scenario, you have to use a specific model to locate it. Through a retailer or manufacturer, you can get the information about the code. Only the licensed locksmith can ask for this.

Furthermore, not all locks require much legwork. For instance, cabinet locks on which the code is already stamped on the locks. All a locksmith needs a code cutter to get frequent lock picks and assemble them according to the stamped design.

The Process:

Insert the key blank into the code cutter ⇨ Apply the correct code blade by measuring cut to cut dimensions.

By Disassembling

It is known as the tougher way to unlock the locked cylinder. Without cutting the code, the locksmith disassembles the full lock cylinder through reversing the bitting from alignment and pins height into the cylinder.

Remember, apply this method non-destructively to ensure no damage in the internal functions. Forensic locksmiths mostly do this method. In this method, the cylinder lock has to be removed from the door first.

As the original key is missing, locksmiths have to pick the correct order for a successful disassembling. By accessing the pins within the lock, the locksmith can directly measure internal mechanisms to make another working key.

By Impressioning!

It is a natural process that makes a key without disassembling or decoding the lock entirely. This goes mostly based on a locksmith’s experience and efficiency! It seems simple, but it requires a lot of practice. 

The process

Insert an appropriate key blank ⇨ turn the blank key to bind the internal pins ⇨ mark out section to file down ⇨ make the working key

Remember, it requires a couple of trials to ensure the markings and to have an appropriate filing. The deeper the dive goes, the more complicated it becomes. All that a locksmith requires a key blank, file, and vice grip.

The build of a key blank varies, such as steel, aluminum, or brass. Make sure that the blank has to be resilient, not too hard! The brass category is highly recommended for its best performance than others.

The file length should be 6 inches, and swiss pattern files are assumed to be the ideal for making a key. Many locksmiths recommend the pippin file also.

Lastly, the vice grips are used to hold the key blank in the right place and maintain proper tension.

FAQs to Know

1. Does the locksmith make keys without the real one?

Technically, yes! The locksmith will make a duplicate one without having the original by hand. They even make keys to office furniture or cabinets also. 

2. What is the requirement to make a new key for a locksmith?

Usually, a locksmith requires a blank, a file, and skills over one year (at least) to make a new key for a lock.

Last words

Now you have seen that the locksmith can make another key that can unlock your cylinder lock. But, there might be some limitations such as some highly secured locks that the locksmith cannot break their code or disassemble or impression them. We always recommend hiring a professional locksmith.