Crafting and Storing Your Perfect Wardrobe

One of the simplest pleasures in life is having a nice wardrobe. Something practical, stylish and personal. There’s a great deal of satisfaction to be had when putting one together, especially if you’re a neat freak who likes everything to be organised perfectly. However, it’s hard to envision what exactly makes a good wardrobe when you’re crafting it yourself. What sections are required? How can you optimise its storage capacity? How should you arrange things, so they’re all ordered and pretty?

Luckily, we’re here to help with your predicament. These are our tips and tricks for crafting and storing your perfect wardrobe.

Do Your Measurements

This is your first and most important step. If you’re going to create your ideal wardrobe, you should know how much space you’re going to need, so do an inventory of all your clothes, shoes and accessories. From here you can make a rough gauge of how much room you’ll need per section. For example, do you have a large collection of accessories, or do you need more space for all the shoes you have? Furthermore, different items in your wardrobe will take up room in different ways. Outer garments like coats can reach to the floor, while shoes are bulky and can’t always be stacked on one another. It’s worth taking the time to consider these things before going ahead with crafting your wardrobe.

Get Down to Designing

You’ve theoretically worked out how much space each item of your wardrobe will need. Now it’s time to design. So, what can you do to create the most aesthetically pleasing, practical arrangement possible? Start by planning the distinct sections of your wardrobe. This will be shoe shelves and coat rails; clothes drawers and belt hooks. Different sectors can help things look good and stay organised. Plus, this is where you get the chance to flex your creative muscles. Type in ‘wardrobe arrangements’ and scout out through the internet for ideas; pick and choose aspects from other people’s designs to cultivate the perfect storage space for you.


Optimise the Storage

The framework of your wardrobe has been completed. It’s finally time to begin stowing away your belongings. The question is now: what goes where and what’s the best system to store it? This requires a little bit of background knowledge on clothes stacking and boxing, both of which we’re here to help you with. Clothes that are made of delicate materials or wrinkle easily should be hung on a rail – whereas t-shirts, knitwear, denim or corduroy can be folded. Additionally, shoes should be lined up (ideally on a shelf you’ve installed) and accessories hung, as these can bend and lose their shape if packed among other things.


Furthermore, group your clothes accordingly i.e. smart trousers vs casual trousers. This system will keep your wardrobe looking sublimely neat and tidy. However, categorising wardrobes does mean you might not have room for miscellaneous items that still need stowing. In these circumstances, we recommend using box storage. Boxes not only keep your belongings organised, but they’re also space-efficient for those who want to squeeze the most storage they can out of their wardrobe. As such, they’re worthwhile investing in if you want to keep cluttering to a minimum.

And there you have it: how to craft your perfect wardrobe for optimal organisation and storage. With these tips and tricks, you can avoid making the mistake a lot of people make, which is cluttering to fit everything in. Instead, you’ll have a wardrobe that is stylish, neat and organised.