How to Choose the Right Table Lamps, Desks and Seats for Your Home Office

During the last months, home working has increasingly become something very familiar for many workers. However, many of them were not ready for this change as well as, in many cases, small apartments, houses and flats were not always equipped with an home office. Hence it is necessary to find a space in some corner of the house to be used as home office.

Moreover, to make it more comfortable and functional, it will be necessary to choose very carefully some details such as table lamps, desks and the seats.

They are the most important items of the home office because they make this place more or less comfortable, making us working better.

In this short guide we will see how to choose the most suitable table lamp for the desk, the seat and the most suitable desk for a perfect home office.

What you should consider when choosing a table lamp for the desk?

There are many models of table lamps. Some are designed for bedside tables, others for the coffee tables, others for desks and work tables. Some models are characterized by an innovative and particular design and they are made of fragile or valuable materials.

The choice of the table lamp design depends on personal tastes.

In all cases, there are some functional aspects to consider when choosing the lamp for the home office.

First of all, we suggest you to choose direct light table lamps, that is the model in which the bulb is free to illuminate a specific point on the desk. This is the reason why we also suggest you to choose table lamps with an adjustable system, so that you can direct the light beam towards the point of the desk you want to illuminate.

If you use to work in the evening hours or in environments with low natural light, then we suggest you to choose table lamps equipped with an adjustable lighting system for the intensity of the light beam, according to the surrounding light sources.

Last but not least, remember to choose a safe table lamp, equipped with a support or with a fixing system.

The desk: from sizes to accessories

We suggest you to choose the size of the desk according to your work needs. For example, if you need to use only a laptop, then it may be sufficient to choose a desk of small dimensions more similar to a console table. It is wide enough to accommodate the laptop but not as huge as an office desk.

On the contrary, if you need to use different devices in addition to the computer, for example the printer, the scanner, the graphics tablet or an additional screen, then we suggest you to choose an XXL desk model, where you can place the devices.

Also, remember to choose suitable accessories, for example a chest of drawers, a document holder easy to reach even when you are sitting. It may be very convenient for you to equip your desk with a wireless charging station for mobile devices. A wall board can also help you keep in mind weekly tasks and deadlines.

The seat: pay attention to the health of your back!

At least, the seat. This is a very delicate topic because the right posture of the back is the most important thing to consider and it depends largely on the seat.

A basic rule you can keep in mind is that the dimensions of the chair should be based on the dimensions of the desk so, if the desk’s height can be adjusted, the chair must be adjusted too. If the desk has a fixed height then choose the suitable chair based on the height of the desk and your height, too. The height-adjustable chairs are always the most suitable solution because they can adapt to everyone’s stature, especially if several people in your family use your home office for other purposes.

The chair must be stable, so we suggest you to prefer chairs without wheels.

Even the armrests are not recommended, because the elbows must be put on the desk, not on the armrests.

The backrest must be ergonomic, that is it must allow you to be comfortable and at the same time to ensure a 90° posture. If necessary, you can use a footrest to maintain the position.

So, the choice of the most suitable table lamps, desks and seats is very important to ensure the health of the worker but also to create harmonious home offices suitable with your interiors.