How to Create a Travel-Themed Bedroom

Are you addicted to travel? Not that it’s anything bad, really.

If you feel you’ve been permanently bitten by the travel bug, then you may also want to have a travel-themed space in your home.

Here, we share with you some simple tips on how to recreate that feeling of being out there while still enjoying the cozy comforts of your own personal space – your bedroom.

From using framed travel posters to decorating your space with little trinkets collected from your trips, we list down some ways on how to bring your love for travel so much closer to home.

Bringing wanderlust into the bedroom

Whether you have traveled far and wide or still fantasizing about your dream destination, you can certainly bring home that travel feel. With little creativity, plenty of dedication and commitment, and a dash of ingenuity, you can achieve what you envision your bedroom to be.

Here are some decorating ideas on how to create a travel-themed bedroom:

1.  Invest in Framed Travel Art

One of the best items that will remind you of a favorite destination or an ideal vacation spot is framed travel art.

These days, you don’t have to scour art galleries and shops to get your hands on unique prints. You can just go online and find beautifully shot photos taken by a professional travel photographer.

Art lovers can choose from a wide selection of mesmerizing photographs or contemporary illustrations that remind them of all the significant places in their life.

2. Make Use of a Map

Another way to spruce up your bedroom with travel-themed décor is to hang a map or place a globe. It can be a huge map that covers one wall or a small globe that reminds you of the places you wish to go to.

You can stick pins on the map for places you want to visit or get scratch-off maps that allow you to mark countries you have stayed in.

3. Decorate With Books

Are you still saving up for that Caribbean getaway? Can’t get Paris off your mind? Use travel books in decorating a travel-themed bedroom. There are plenty of travel books that contain beautiful photography. Some tomes can even be used as coffee table books that can greatly enhance your private corner’s look.

If you haven’t been to your ideal holiday spot yet, a book can help you prepare for the trip. If you’ve had an unforgettable experience in one place, that book will help you revisit special sites.

4. Create a Hotel-at-Home Feel

Recreate the feeling of being in your favorite hotel room in your very own bedroom by making use of beddings similar to what you had during your trip. Another option is to purchase linens with designs, embellishments, or pictures of the place you went to or want to visit.

For example, a duvet cover with cherry blossoms design may remind you of Japan, or a Scandinavian-themed sofa throw on your bedroom couch may bring back memories of your trip to Sweden.

Sweet Escape

Some people who have a penchant for travel want to bring back memories of their adventures. They want to see it in their daily lives, be reminded of the escapades they experienced, and relive the moments that have taken their breath away.

If staying in your bedroom can bring all these positive travel vibes, then, by all means, convert your sacred space into one that lightens your mood and brings a smile to your heart.


American artist Shea Winter Roggio is the CEO of Winter Museo. A documentary and fine art photographer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as well as a University of the Arts graduate and an Eddie Adams Workshop and Center for Emerging Visual Artists alumni, Shea aims to reinvent the gallery shop. Winter Museo offers everything art, from posters, canvas, gifts, souvenirs, and stationary to limited edition fine art prints, hand signed by the artist.