How to Identify Carpenter Bees Infestation?

You may not have realized it but there are many different types of bees. Each type looks a little different and has its own distinct characteristics. 

One of the most obvious differences that carpenter bees have to the standard bumble bee is their color. They don’t have the normal yellow and black stripes. Instead, carpenter bees have an all-black body that is smooth and shiny.

As with all types of bees they like to live in a colony. They are also generally harmless unless they feel provoked. Don’t forget, bees can only sting once, they don’t do it without very good reason. This means in many cases you can simply leave the bees alone. 

However, if their nest is close to your home and you need to pass it regularly you’ll want to call your local exterminator and have the issue dealt with.

In fact, if you click here for support, you’ll find that, where possible, bee colonies are moved instead of destroyed. That’s definitely a job for the professionals.

The problem with carpenter bees is that they like to build their nests in wood, which dramatically increases their chances of being near your home and putting you at risk.

Identifying an Infestation of Carpenter Bees

The most obvious sign is seeing the bees flying around. If you start to see several black bees then you need to watch their flight path. If they are all coming and going from one spot then there is likely to be a nest there. It’s worth taking a closer look although you should be cautious.

Note: If you have bee allergies someone else should look for you.

Once you’ve identified a potential nest site you’ll need to inspect the wood. You’re looking for circular holes, slightly bigger than the average carpenter bee. This is where the bees have bored into the wood to make their home. You’ll probably notice several holes near each other, this indicates there is a network of tunnels being created behind for the bees to live in.

It’s worth noting that carpenter bees prefer natural wood, stain or paint is likely to deter them. That’s a good reason to make sure the staining and painting are undertaken on a regular basis. 

You should inspect your home regularly to ensure there are no cracks or potential entry points for carpenter bees and other insects. Seal all the cracks that you find.

Additionally, in the spring when bees are looking to build nests, it’s a good idea to keep all your doors and windows shut. If the weather is nice then use screens and mesh to keep them out. This will stop you from having to deal with a bees nest inside your home!

The carpenter bee does help breakdown old wood and pollinates flowers. It serves a useful purpose in nature. That’s why it’s best to get the professionals to deal with them. It reduces your chances of being stung and can save the bee’s lives.