How to Know if Your Pool is Leaking

A pool is an area that contains still water that could be natural or human-made. In the modern world, some homeowners and hotels build pools on their premises. In hotels, it attracts more customers who enjoy swimming. Swimming is suitable for a person’s health, emotional relaxation, as well as their physical well-being. Some weaknesses may develop in the pool leading to water leaking if the necessary repairs are not done. There are some signs to look out for if you think your pool is leaking. They include:

  • The growth of algae in the pool.
  • Wet spots in the yard.
  • Increased water bills.
  • Falling tiles or cracks in the pool.
  • Changes in the water levels.

If you see any of these signs, ask yourself, is my pool leaking?

Signs of a Leaking Pool

Increase of water bills resulting from increased water supply to the pool- There are the normal water levels that should be maintained in a pool, and if at any point there is water leakage, more water is supplied to the pool. Increased water supply means that there will be an increase in the amounts of money paid for the water bills. Therefore, an increase in the water bill from the usual could indicate a leaking pool.

Changing water levels in a pool is the common sign of a leaking pool. Water levels may vary if the water is leaking out of the pool due to cracks in the pool and increased evaporation rates. If the leak results from the gaps, then a repair should prevent more water loss.

Variations of chemical levels in the pool water are a sign of a leaking pool. When water levels are constant, the chemical levels in the water also remain constant. Leakage of water takes out chemicals from the pool; this means that more chemicals will be needed to cater for the lost chemicals and treat the fresh supplied water. Variations in the chemical levels are an indication that the water levels have stopped being constant.

You are experiencing the growth of algae in the pool- If you notice the growth of algae in the pool, there are alterations in the water’s chemical composition. Algae growth may lead to discoloration of the water. The chemical differential is due to the addition of freshwater unaccounted for in the pool. Therefore, this means that there is cracking in the walls leading to water loss.

If there is no rain, water is leaking on the ground from the underlaid pipes near the pool. Hence water from the pool is leaking. When grass around the pool has an uneven growth or feels mushy, it could mean the pool is leaking. Also, you can notice water spots on the ground.

Pool leaking can result from cracked walls or falling tiles. After a certain period, you may notice that your pool walls have started cracking. The cracks may be small, and if not repaired, they may enlarge and lead to water leakage. The cracks should be sealed to ensure that water levels are maintained in the pool and leakages are prevented.

Ways to Identify A Leakage

Use of the evaporation method to identify a leak. Take a five-gallon bucket, place it next to the pool and fill it with water ensuring the water level is the same as the pool. Mark the water level and leave it for several days, later take the new water levels. If the water levels have evaporated at the same rate, then there is no leak, but if the water levels are less than the bucket levels, then there is a leak.

Use the dye testing method to locate a leak. Add food color red, snorkels, and goggles in the pool and let the water drain. If the water draining stops at the top, then the leaking is at the top, and if the leaking stops at the bottom, then the leaking is at the bottom.

Pools should be continuously inspected to ensure no cracks or falling tiles that may result in water leakages. Chemical and water levels should be well maintained in any pool. This image can illustrate what we’ve discussed.