This article contains the best tips for the preparation for the General Awareness/General Knowledge section. These tips will be very beneficial for the preparation of the general awareness section. General Awareness (GA) is an important section of any government exam. The banking GA section checks how much the aspirant is keeping up with the happenings around the world.
This is one of the most interesting sections as it asks questions about daily life incidents and news around the world. The General Awareness (GA) section contains banking knowledge, current affairs, general knowledge, and economic knowledge.
Tips for Studying General Awareness/GK Section
- Watching T.V
Watching T.V is not just entertainment, it helps you in gathering national and international news and increases your general knowledge, thus watch the news channel daily and make it a habit. This will also keep you updated about current affairs and what’s happening around the world.
- Reading Daily Newspapers
Reading the newspaper daily is an excellent habit and beneficial for any aspirant who is applying for such bank or government exams. This will increase your vocabulary and reading speed along with your knowledge of current affairs and local news. The newspaper is the best place for gathering any national, international, sports, economics, political, etc. news. Reading newspapers also helps sharpen your English writing and speaking skills.
- Notes Making
There is too much to remember and revise in bank exams and particularly in the General Awareness section, therefore making notes point-wise is a good practice. These notes will later help you to revise topics; it will also save quite a lot of time as you can revise the whole section in one go at the last minute.
- Banking Awareness Books
Aspirants must select a proper banking awareness book as all books do not have updated information in them, regarding current affairs or general.
Some Important Topics for Banking General Knowledge/Awareness Section
Here are some important topics that must be covered by candidates during the bank exam preparation for the GA section
- Current Affairs
- History
- Banking Awareness
- Award
- RBI based questions
- Agriculture
- Football world cup winners
- Cricket World cup winners
- Books with Author
- Indian Constitution related questions
- Indian politics
- List of neighboring countries
- Sports news
- Finance and Insurance
- Banking Abbreviations
- Countries
- Capital
- Currency
- Some Topic on Static GK
- Mobile Apps
Downloading mobile apps of news channels can be very useful as you can watch and gain information anywhere, this also helps you in your preparation as there are many bank exams related apps. These apps can be found across the App Store and are regularly updated, you can also subscribe according to your need. Hence, this will help you to stay updated anywhere and everywhere.
- Static GK Preparation
In this, one should focus on everything as anything can be asked. One should mostly concentrate on Indian static GK which includes
- Dams and Rivers
- National park and WLS
- Nuclear, Thermal, and Hydropower plants
- CMs and Governors
- PMs and Presidents
- Current Affairs Preparation
This has the most weightage in the General Awareness section, it holds around 40-45% of questions. This part can be the one where you can score a lot of marks but for that, you need solid preparation. Reading and gathering from multiple sources is required, current affairs should be prepared in the last 100 days before the exam. This will help the GK to be embedded in your brain and you can answer quickly without wasting time. Reading newspapers let that be a regional language or the English language is very important.
- Banking Awareness preparation
This is a list of banking awareness and general awareness books that can help aspirants study and prepare for the general awareness section in the exams:
- Banking Awareness by Dinesh Publications
- Banking Awareness for IBPS/SBI Bank Clerk SO/PO/RBI & RRB exams by BSC Publication
- Banking Awareness for (Banking Aptitude Test)(Bank Officers Exam) by Arihant Publications
- Banking Awareness by Ramesh Publishing House
Candidates can also use apps which are dedicated to the general awareness topics, where they provide updated banking awareness notes, study material, and weekly mock tests and guide properly during tests. Online courses are also great options where with a subscription you can get video courses etc.
Candidates must have short notes on the syllabus of general awareness, this will help to revise fast and memorize. Revision must not be taken lightly, dedicated time must be given to each topic in the general awareness section and banking awareness section, which includes Static GK, Current Affairs, etc. Candidates can carry a pocket notebook for the names of capitals, countries, names of sportspeople, names of the CMs, PMs, etc. Solving questions in between revisions is a good practice and you can try to make it a habit. For current affairs, you can revise by making a separate note where you add a few lines to make yourself memorize and remember for a longer period. Before the exam, going through your revision notes is very helpful, because, in the general awareness and banking awareness section, you can score the maximum marks easily and in less time with little but daily study of the general awareness and banking awareness topics and syllabus. One can also opt for the SBI PO mock test to understand more about the weak and strong areas.
Points to remember:
- Candidates should take the general awareness and banking awareness syllabus at the start.
- Watching news channels and reading newspapers should be a daily routine.
- Reading magazines for current affairs is a good practice.
- Always start from the easier topics and gradually move towards the difficult ones, as it will help you build your confidence.
- Try to combine different studying methods for the preparation, including short-cuts, online platforms, etc.
- Making notes for separate topics and using them as revision material for later periods is also beneficial for the aspirants.
- Never create a solid timetable from day 1, don’t enforce it just try to gradually make it a habit.
- Take small breaks between online studies and don’t be stressed out.