The Baby Room Essentials

There are two times in a women’s life which change her role in life. One of them is a wedding in which she becomes a wife and the second time when she becomes a mother.

Like at the wedding she becomes stressed about all things going the way she wants the time she becomes a mother all she can think about her baby’s needs. If you are a mother still stressing then read this and you can help you get rid of them.

The nursery is one thing that is prepared before the baby by the parents lovingly. However, sometimes they go overboard and spend too much on things that don’t matter and too little on things that count.

This list will help you sort the essentials so you buy them first and if you are willing to do more spending then it is up to you.

The cot/crib

Choosing between a cop or a crib is also a difficult decision, however, we suggest a crib because that will last you until your baby is five and the next thing they require will be a bed. So get a crib for the baby room and you can even decorate it with accessories.

The mattress

The mattress

Now the baby can’t simply sleep in the crib, a mattress is essential to be placed inside it. You can get a good mattress under $100 and it will last you quite a few years. Alongside that don’t forget to add the waterproof mattress cover because you can’t was the mattress again and again. A barrier will help you a lot especially when you start potty training.

Diaper table

Also known as a changing table that is going be used a lot as your baby in the first year will dirty a paper at least five times a day. A good changing table stocked with all the essentials needed at changing time is a blessing in disguise.

Baby dresser

This is a great place to store all your babies’ clothes since they don’t need a full cupboard yet a dresser will suffice for the time being. However, if you want to add more clothing, you can get the softest and most comfortable newborn baby suits which are available online.

Parent corner

Now while you are watching over the baby you can’t always keep standing so you need to keep a rocking chair or a sofa (with a footstool) whichever you require. It is also essential so that the mom can feed the baby and put them to sleep immediately in the crib instead of having to bring them in the room and shifting them back there.

Baby monitor

Baby monitor

This is like a survivor kit for the new parents; the baby monitor will keep an eye on the baby whilst the guardians do their work and alert them as soon as the baby is awake or crying or in any distress.

Being a parent or guardian is hard you have to put in so much of your time and love but the rewards are worth it.
You will be adding more things to the room as you go but for now, if you are on a tight budget these things would suffice. Happy parenting!