Tips For Asphalt Pavement Maintenance

Maintaining the asphalt pavement is extremely important for ensuring its aesthetic appeal and keeping it functional for years to come. Timely maintenance helps in preventing damages so that you don’t have to shell out a fortune on a complete replacement. You can follow the below-mentioned tips to keep your asphalt pavement in tip-top shape:

Clean Out Debris

Fallen leaves, dirt, grass clippings, gravel, and other debris need to be removed regularly. Other than making your driveway look clean, it can also prevent moisture from collecting underneath these piles. If your driveway has already developed cracks then moisture can find its way to the pavement’s base causing erosion and destabilization over time. You can remove debris using mechanical sweepers, leaf blowers, push brooms, or by hiring professional sweeping services from different asphalt companies. Often a pressure washer or regular garden hose can also be used to clean debris accumulation in your driveway.

Promptly Remove Automotive Fluids

Most automotive fluids are petroleum derivatives and can reunite on coming in contact with asphalt which is also a petroleum-based product. But during this process, the asphalt pavement erodes and is left crumbly. It can get easily damaged by heavy traffic. While the penetration of automotive fluids gets slowed down by high-quality sealants, they break the barrier eventually and start eroding the pavement. This is why it becomes imperative to remove the automotive fluids immediately. In this regard, you can apply a substance over the stained area which is going to soak in the puddles before using a degreaser or cleanser for scrubbing the area. Professional asphalt contractors often use strong chemicals to remove oil stains. 

Take Care Of Drainage

All the gutters drains and catch basins in your parking lot should allow the free flow of water. Clogged drains are infamous for waterlogging and even increases the chances of accidents by concealing damaged pavements. Dirt and debris also get redistributed by puddled water and become more concentrated into piles which might be difficult to remove later on. While normal water exposure to your asphalt pavement is fine, the real problem starts when the water stays accumulated for long. Snow accumulation can also cause similar problems apart from making it extremely inconvenient for people to move around. While cleaning snow from your pavement, you need to be cautious about not using deicers as the salinity of water can further aggravate the issue. 

Sealcoating The Pavement

Sealcoating has gained accreditation as one of the most effective and popular means of asphalt pavement maintenance when it comes to caring for regular cracks and damage. Other than preventing water seepage through the cracks, sealcoating is also helpful in acting as a layer of protection against harmful UV rays. You can think of it to be similar to sunscreen for our skin. Damaging UV radiation dries up the moisture content of pavements and makes them more brittle. As a result, they become more vulnerable to heavy vehicles. Sealcoating can make your pavement look brand new while keeping you worry-free for years to come. Homeowners often rely on crafco crack sealer parts and similar sealcoats which can act as an extra layer of protection from moisture and salts while keeping your pavement pliable. 

Filling Potholes

Potholes can make your pavements look unsightly and also cause various damaging effects. This is why you need to address the potholes issue quickly before it can deteriorate and add to your repairing expense. The right binding mixtures can help in patching the potholes after you have thoroughly cleaned them. 

Final Words

Undertaking routine asphalt maintenance can bring massive savings in the long run and also elevate the appearance of your pavement. You need to keep a close eye on the pavement throughout the year to detect timely damage and cracks.