Transform Your Patio With Sliding Doors – Inspiration From Experts

Sliding doors are making their big comeback nowadays. With all the modern technologies, durable materials and a bit of creativity, external sliding doors can be used to enhance and transform your patio into an entirely new space. What can you do to achieve that and what are the benefits of sliding doors? We asked this question to one of the most renowned window and door fitters in Ireland – Marcin from Fenbro.

Sliding doors – why choose them?

One of the most obvious advantages of external sliding doors is their design, with large glazing units that provide unparalleled visibility and allow the unmatched amount of natural sunlight into your house. But this is not the only advantage of external sliding doors – Marcin says that there are many other benefits to them:

  • improved air flow into your house – with sliding doors it is extremely easy to get as much fresh air as you want. And if you’re concerned about bugs, you can fit a bug screen along with your patio doors, allowing the air to flow inside while keeping bugs out
  • the possibility to place your furniture much closer to the patio doors than it would be possible in the case of any other type of doors – thanks to it, you can eg. sleep or eat your meals pretty much outside your house without any slightest discomfort
  • the possibility to create a “folding” room on your patio – when cleverly used, sliding doors or Bi-fold doors can allow you to have such a portable space every time you need it

How to enhance your patio with exterior sliding doors?

There are almost countless possibilities to use your patio creatively – below you will find only a handful of ideas taken from Fenbro experts. Treat these not as some absolute suggestions, but rather as inspirations and ideas to stimulate your imagination. All in all, it’s your home and your patio, so make the most out of it when creating your unique living space.

Link your indoor and outdoor space

Sliding doors allow you to easily connect your indoor space with the outside, making your home larger. A simple canopy, some glass partition walls and sliding doors can make all the difference and practically remove the strict border between indoor and outdoor.

Use your balcony as a ceiling

Just add sliding doors and you’ll get some nice space, where you can relax even if it rains outside.

Create a pergola that can be converted into a room

With sliding doors it’s really easy, not to mention the fact that you will be able to freely introduce some shade by using the pergola structural elements.

Fenbro – reliable supplier of top quality joinery

Fenbro is a dynamic company that supplies top quality Polish joinery from the best Polish brands and manufacturers to all major global markets, with the focus on the European countries. The range of products available at Fenbro is very wide and the offer is always tailored to the specific needs and expectations of the customer (B2B and B2C). In Ireland, Fenbro provides a complete service – from the product to delivery, installation and after-sales support and guarantee.

More information about the products and services offered by Fenbro can be found at the company’s website: