Ways to Save Time, Money and Energy in Home Renovation

Lots of people want to get started on home renovations, but they’re held back either by time, budget or energy constraints. In other words, they’re either too busy, too strapped for cash, or too tired! 

There are, however, many great ways to do renovations without over-expending on any of these things:

1. Use Design Services

The first step is always to get a good design in place. If you can do that, it can be a great boost to take further steps to get the project done. Using a fixed price online interior design service is a way to get professional-quality designs done more affordably. You can input your ideas into the system and get a full realistic rendering of what your new room will look like.

Using these kinds of tools doesn’t just save money, but also time. You can try out multiple designs and combinations and see what types of things work best within that space. It could take a lot longer with a lot more trial ,error and expense if you go any other way.

2. Renovate Without Any Construction

Renovation doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to do any major construction work like knocking walls through, changing doors and windows, or replacing flooring. Of course, it can be done if you wish for your renovation to be very comprehensive or if those things we just mentioned are in disrepair, but there are many ways to renovate without any construction.

Simple changes to the main furniture and other furnishings, or simply rearranging what you already have can be a terrific place to start. You can also repair existing damage and apply fresh coats of paint or new wallpaper to make a place look and feel new without any major construction work taking place.

3. DIY with Some Help

If you’re worried about the cost of hiring professionals to come in and do the work, then try to do as much of the work by yourself and/or with the help of family and friends. If you have major structural work to do, then professionals are better unless you’re lucky enough to have willing friends or family with experience in such matters.

In other things, however, like painting, wallpapering, rearranging existing furniture, building and installing new furniture — it can all be a DIY job with minimal help from people with little to no experience. New tools and methods help make these things much easier than in years past.

4. Purchase New Items During Sales Seasons

Look out for key sales events in your area that will help you save money on new furniture and other decorative items you want to buy for your renovated space. If you get the timing right, you can save hundreds, even thousands of dollars, especially if you’re buying major items like sofas, tables, and cupboards.

5. Start Early and Take Small Steps

Another good way to save money and energy in particular is to allow for more time to get the job done. This one doesn’t exactly save time, but it makes the entire process less stressful by spreading the task out over a longer period and allowing for small steps to be taken with more attention paid to each step to get it right. It allows you time to find better people to get jobs done if you need, or to figure out how to do it yourself.

6. Use Paintable Surfaces

Finally, it’s a good idea to favour paintable surfaces when and where you can, including your walls, kitchen cabinets, cupboards, etc. Why do we say this? Well, if you have used paintable surfaces now, then if you want to update or refresh the room again several years down the line, then all you’ll need to do is whip a coat of paint across those surfaces for an easy but meaningful update.