10 Important Steps to Take Before Saying Goodbye to Your House

Ensure your utility providers

Ensure that your gas,electricity, water provider know about your shifting to avoid any issues

Forward your mail

Make sure that you transfer your mail and other essential to your new address

Transfer your subscriptions

Don't forget to transfer your newspaper or magazines or any other subscriptions to your new address, else cancel it.

Update your address

Make your to change your address in your aadhar cards or other essential documents.

sell your unwanted items

Find new owners for things you won't take with you. Or donate it to the ones who needed it.

Pack and label properly

Put your items properly and safely and do organize it properly and also label it.

cancel housekeeping services

Notify your cleaning services that you won't need them anymore.

Hire a moving company

Get professionals to help transport your furniture and boxes.

Take final meter readings

Record last meter readings of gas, water, electricity before moving from your old house.

Leave a spare key

Leave a spare key with a trusted neighbor or friend in case of any emergencies.