10 Money-Saving Tips for Grocery Shopping 2024

Make and stick to the list

Write down what you need before you go to the store to avoid impulse buys at the store.

Shop on Wednesdays

Many grocery stores have sales that start on Wednesdays, so this can be a good day to shop and take advantage.

Use store apps for savings

Many grocery stores have apps that offer coupons and savings.

Buy in bulk

Purchase larger quantities of non-perishable items to save money per unit.

Use the 60/30/10 grocery rule

Rule states that 60% on essentials, 30% on preferences, and 10% on treats.

Use coupons

Find discounts online or in newspapers to reduce grocery costs

Buy generic brands

Opt for store-brand products which are often cheaper alternatives to name brands.

Shop at different stores

Different stores may have better prices on different items, so it can be worth shopping around.

cashback Sites

Shop the groceries which provide guaranteed cashback.

Buy in season

Choose seasonal produce for lower prices and better freshness.