What To Look For In a Concrete Contractor

Just like when you visit a physician, it is important that you have a list of questions to ask. This will make sure you’re getting the right contractor for the job. It is not every day that you will need a concrete contractor. A properly installed driveway can take up to 20 years if it is done. The nuances of maintenance can be handled by the homeowner. It could be your first time looking for a contractor and you’re not really sure about what to look out for. Before you can decide to start searching for a reliable Colorado Springs concrete contractor, here are some of the factors to take into consideration.

Get Multiple Quotes

You should not settle on the first contractor you come across. You might be desperate if your driveway is in a sorry state but it is recommended that you take your time with the process of looking for a contractor. Ideally, you get quotes from different contractors. Most contractors can offer a quote on the phone but this will not be the way to go about it. They will need to come to your home and carry out a thorough analysis before coming up with the final figure. Doing the estimate is usually an opportunity for the concrete contractor to shine. They will tell you everything there is to know about the installation and what to expect from the process.

Concrete Can Crack

Concrete Can Crack
Concreters Gold Coast- Website are known for cracking. In some instances, the cracking will start happening as soon as the pouring begins. You will need to look for an expert who can handle such challenges. The contractor should have a working knowledge of how water affects concrete surfaces. After the installation is complete, they will be able to provide advice on how to avoid such problems. More water in the mix will mean that you’re getting a weaker concrete. Water should be used sparingly to avoid shrinking and cracks.

The contractor should also understand the role control joints play in preventing cracks. The joints will need to be the depth of the concrete pour. It is only an experienced contractor who will know of such intricate details.

License and Insurance

You should not be working with a contractor who doesn’t have the necessary license and insurance. Working with concrete can be dangerous and you don’t want to be liable in case of an injury on your property. Ideally, the contractor should be having both worker’s compensation and liability insurance. A contractor that is licensed will ensure that the right procedures are being followed during the installation.

Project Timelines

Project Timelines
Make sure the contractor shares the exact timelines for the completion of the project. A good contractor will strive to ensure that the project is being completed in the shortest time possible without compromising on quality. If it is a small project, it should not take more than 3 days. Big projects could even take up to three weeks. The contractor will need to be open about the time it will take to complete the different phases of the project.

Written Contract

You should never work with a contractor when there is no written contract. The contract will have all the details about the working agreement. You should move on to the next contractor if the person you intend to work with doesn’t want to have a written agreement. The agreement should include details on the time frame, mode of payment, and guarantee on the work. Make sure it is legally binding so that all your concerns are addressed.


The contractor should be able to provide a form of guarantee on their work. You don’t want to be following up when there is an issue that needs to be addressed. A good contractor should be able to provide a warranty not only on the materials that are used but also on the workmanship. Having the guarantee will give you the peace of mind that the person working on your driveway has all it takes.


Experience is crucial when dealing with any kind of contractor. You don’t want someone who is just starting out to be working on your driveway. The number of years is usually a good sign of the experience of the concrete contractor. An experienced contractor will have worked on several properties. Don’t be afraid to ask for references if you’re in doubt about the experience of the contractor. A good concrete contractor will not have problems providing the references.