What to Look for in a Real Estate Agent When Selling Your House

There are a lot of mistakes homeowners make when choosing an agent to sell their home​​​​​​. Some people go with a friend of a friend. Others go with real estate agents offering the lowest commission or who suggests the highest list price. 

It makes sense that sellers want the best price possible and the lowest fees, but these things directly correlate to your experience with an agent, not necessarily a good one. Choosing the agent with the lowest commission can actually end up earning you less on the sale of your home.

Instead, it’s best to ask questions to several agents about what you can expect when working with them. Focus on the answers they give and choose the agent that offers a good mix of experience, honesty, education and more. 


You obviously want an agent who has sold many other houses and has gained knowledge from the successes and mistakes they’ve made during those other experiences. You should also look for an agent with experience selling in your local area. When selling a home for sale in Hamilton Ontario, you want an agent who understands the Hamilton area and will know how to market your house and get it in front of the buyers who will be most interested and offer the best prices.

You also want to work with an agent who has effective negotiating skills. Negotiation is an art, and you want someone who understands that and will work to get you the best price and conditions.


A real estate agent won’t be able to tell you the amount your house will end up selling for – and a good one won’t try to. Good agents will show you sales of comparable homes and pending and active sales in your area. Ultimately, you set your listing price, and buyers will let you know whether that is a price they’re willing to pay. While listing agents can do research and make educated suggestions, the market is tricky, and price guarantees can’t be made.


Alternatively, all real estate agents aren’t equal. When an agent is willing to work for a lower commission, there is usually a reason why. Real estate agents have different marketing strategies and a budget they use to support that. By choosing an agent with a lower commission rate, you may be sacrificing the service you get.


All the experience and service in the world will only do so much if you don’t know what’s happening. A listing agent with good communication skills who is available to you is vital to having a good selling experience. An agent who disappears on you or doesn’t keep you in the loop likely isn’t looking out for your best interests. Choose an agent you feel comfortable talking to who welcomes your questions and lets you know how and when they can be reached.

Follow these tips to find a great listing agent who will help you sell your home for a good price.