When Should I Replace My Air Conditioner?

Life without an AC unit would be unbearable during the most heated seasons for most homeowners. However, the extensive use of an AC without regular maintenance can lead to some issues.

According to Aquarius Home Services, ACs have a lifespan of about ten years, but they might last more depending on usage and maintenance. When your AC is nearing its tenth year of use, you will need to replace it. However, other factors can lead to an earlier AC replacement.

Below are a few indicators that will help customers decide if their air conditioner should be replaced or not. 

The Frequency of Breakdowns

The AC unit does not need to be necessarily old to break down many times. Many factors lead to breakdowns. The environment in which the AC is working has a significant impact. In a humid climate, for example, it will break down faster. 

In other cases, extensive usage can lead to more frequent breakdowns. If the repair costs more than half of what you paid for the new AC, it is not worth spending money. The AC needs to be replaced. 

The Energy Consumption

If the energy bill is unexpectedly more expensive and fluctuates a lot, then the AC should be checked. If technicians decide that the AC is at fault for extra energy consumption, it is time to replace it. A rise in the electricity bill over many months is more costly than a new AC, saving homeowners a lot of trouble. 

The Usage of Old Technologies

Some of the older types of AC are still using the Freon R-22 technology. Such kinds of AC will need to be replaced because freon is no longer produced and allowed to be used in many countries, including the U.S. Due to the dangers to the environment, the Freon R-22 was banned. A replacement of the AC will save you money, but it will also help combat climate change. 

Loud Noises

You are most likely familiar with the noises that your AC makes. The loud noises are also an indicator to replace your AC unit. However, if the loud noises are unfamiliar and aren’t checked early, you likely need an AC replacement. 

The odd noises such as grinding sounds, whistling, or even bangs mean that the AC is breaking down or the whole cooling system in the house is breaking. They need to be taken seriously, as some noises can indicate the need to replace the AC or HVAC system. Have a professional technician inspect your AC to determine this.

The Age of the AC

An AC unit, unfortunately, is not built to last an eternity. Usually, the life span of a unit is around ten years. It can go for 15 years if it is not used intensively. Around the ten-year mark, the AC will start to break more and more often. The decision to replace or fix it should be easy. If the AC is older or nearing the ten-year mark and breaks every summer, it is clear that it is not worth investing more money into it, and you should buy a replacement. 

Near the ten years mark, the efficiency of the AC is also declining quickly. We may keep trying to fix it, but it will never be as good as a new one. A replacement around that age is always welcome.