10 Interior Design Ideas For a Fabulous Kitchen

If you have a small kitchen, the key to designing it should always involve creativity. A matchbox-sized prep room might leave you perpetually worrying about too many cooks. So, if you’re eager to design your kitchen but don’t know where to start, here are some kitchen design trends that have gone big this year—and a few others that have gone home.

1. Sustainability Is the Need of The Hour

Sustainability Is the Need of The Hour
For a while now, the focus of the public has shifted firmly towards helping the planet. Hence, it’s only natural that sustainability is one of the biggest interior design trends to emerge. Even though living a completely sustainable life isn’t as easy as going vegetarian or vegan, making small swaps here and there is a great way to get the ball rolling. Whether it’s cutting down on plasticware or recycling more often, there are numerous interior design ideas for a fabulous kitchen without building up on your carbon footprint.

2. Switch Chairs for Stools

Large, bulky chairs take up too much of space and make it look unnecessarily stuffy. If you want your place to look bigger, opt for low-standing back-less stools that don’t detract visually from the room.

3. Opt for Leafy Greens

Florals have always been popular but 2019 has brought along with it a leafier feel. From lush tropical foliage to soft garden prints, we’re going green this year. It makes everything look happier and the best part is, leafy motifs can fit in just about anywhere, be it wallpapers, wall tiles, countertops etc.! So be as daring as you please and bring the outside in for a fabulous kitchen space!

4. Suspended Pot Racks

Bulky pots and pans can take up some of your valuable space. So, install an industrial pot rack that suspends from the ceiling. It’s stylish yet functional. Visit Home Spa Select for some more inspiration!

5. Transformable Kitchen Islands

Transformable Kitchen Islands
If your kitchen is small, you most likely will not have enough room for a kitchen island and a breakfast nook. So, your best bet is to choose an island that’ll double up as a counter space while you’re prepping dinner, and as a table to eat at later.

6. Beige Is the New Black

We’ve been going gaga over pastels for over a decade now but here’s some news for you. Beige is back! This warm neutral shade that used to be plastered across your parent’s house is now back and is cropping up in the most stylish of places. It’s the perfect base for earthy palettes as well. Our moms must be so thrilled!

7. Mediterranean Marvels

Why take a holiday to escape the mundane humdrum of everyday life when we can choose to live our life as a vacation? Think about it, we choose to stay in hotels that are a little bit fancier than our own homes. So, this year, let’s redirect our expenses towards creating a home you don’t need a holiday from. The trend is to do it the Mediterranean way with popular elements from our most favorite coastal holiday destination. Think fresh white walls, cool blues and subtle furnishings. Throw in a couple of green and pink accessories as well.

8. Mirrored Cabinets

We all know that mirrors instantly make any small space look enlarged. So, go ahead and fake it till you make it! Also, it’ll help to know if you’ve got food on your face while cooking!

9. Use Up the High Spaces

If there’s space between the cabinets and the ceiling, you’ve got the perfect spot to store lesser-used tools.

10. Functional Shelves

Functional Shelves
Another design idea for a fabulous kitchen is to add extra shelves in places they’d be most functional, like above the stove.

With these few ideas in mind, you can start planning on remodeling your kitchen. Before you know it, you’ll be the owner of the most functional and stylish one in your neighborhood.