How Often Should I Repair My Apartment?

Everybody likes to live in a beautiful apartment with quality finishing. Though, thinking about the need for repair work in the house, we want to postpone the beginning of this “disaster” to a later date.

How do you know it’s time to make repairs?

Sooner or later there comes a moment when it becomes clear: it is just time to do the renovation of your house and look for someone who can repair it quickly. Obvious signs:

  • the brown ceilings;
  • tarnished paint;
  • faded stained wallpaper rubbed on the corners;
  • cracked tiles in the bathroom, darkened tile seams;
  • cracks on the sink, leaks on the bath surface, chronic leaks in the pipes;
  • vented windows, sifted doors.

In order not to bring your home to such a condition, you must at least approximately follow the schedule of repairs.

How often do you need to repair your apartment

The frequency depends on how seriously the condition of the apartment requires action. No less important are your requests for its layout and future appearance.

There are the following types of repairs:

  • cosmetic – it is recommended to do it every 5 years;
  • capital – it’s done less often, about every 15 years.

Cosmetic can be made by yourself, as it is designed just to refresh the apartment:

  • to change the wallpaper;
  • renew the surface of the ceilings by painting or installing stretch cloths;
  • replace the holey linoleum, eliminate squeaking floors, strengthen the loose laminate boards;
  • to change the plumbing;
  • to install built-in cupboards in recesses or corners.

If the condition of the house structures and systems requires more serious changes, it is better to contact professionals.


It is inevitable when it is necessary to perform such work as:

  • elimination of serious defects and alignment of walls and ceilings surfaces with
  • subsequent installation of new coatings;
  • leveling the floor base, replacing the flooring;
  • replacement of water, heating, sewerage pipes;
  • wiring replacement;
  • the installation of new plumbing;
  • replacement of windows, door leafs;
  • redevelopment (approved).

Performing operations like sliding door repair require professional skills and the use of an appropriate tool. To do this, hire a construction team or apply to a specialized company.

Dismantling of old utilities, floor and wall coverings, demolition of partitions during redevelopment is impossible without noise and dirt. And the work stretches out for months. The owners of the apartment are better off temporarily living elsewhere, giving the builders empty space and complete freedom of action.

If you want to reach out to professionals, there are two ways to do it:

Find a maintenance crew that “knows how to do everything” and take on everything.

It is possible that you will be lucky – everything will be done really well within the agreed deadlines. But the work of such a team will require your tireless control, trips to construction markets and shops for necessary materials. Each detail will have to be discussed separately and the cost of repairs will steadily increase due to unforeseen costs. In the worst-case scenario, the process may last indefinitely, and in the event of poor quality, no one will complain.

To perform each type of work to hire a specialized company – one office is engaged in plumbing, electricity – another, the windows are changed by the third, and finishing is done by the fourth. The work will be done professionally. You will be given the warranty specified in the contract. But it will most likely not be possible to organize a continuous process.

Different companies will not agree on work schedules with each other. And since some operations cannot be performed at the same time, annoying downtimes occur.