How To Make Your Home Pet-Friendly

Opening your heart to your furry or scaly friend results in a lot of reward and companionship, but it also means opening your home and sharing the space. How well suited is your home to accommodating a pet? There are many different types of household pets, and the one you pick will depend on many factors. 

These will likely include, first and foremost, your preference, then what your home can accommodate, the cost of caring for this pet, and any other potentially hazardous factors such as certain allergies in the home. The type of pet you go for will influence the type of home modifications needed. If you are in the market for a pet, and wondering how you can protect your home and make it pet-friendly, this is for you. Or perhaps you already are the happy owner of a little buddy but feel you could use some home improvement ideas, this will apply to you too.

Puppies And Dogs

If you are thinking of adding ‘man’s best friend’ to your family, there are some house-proofing means that you can prepare. Firstly, the type and size of your dog will be a factor. If you live in an apartment or a small dwelling without a garden, a large dog like a labrador or retriever that needs ample space to run around, would be a poor fit. You would be better off choosing a smaller dog that is happy to be house-bound and can get its running time on walks. Remember dogs both love and need regular walking. This should also be a factor in your decision when looking at your time and capacity. 

Puppies are cute as anything, but they can chew and make a mess. Especially before they have been toilet trained. Consider lifting rugs and mats while your little guy is still toilet training. If you have carpets, it is best to try and keep the puppy cordoned off to a tiled-area, where possible. Otherwise, the newspaper or a shower curtain will have to suffice as a temporary carpet protector. The same goes for furniture and knick-knacks. Puppies like to chew things, so remove all special items that look chewable. This means locking cupboard doors, putting poisonous detergents on a higher shelf, and closing the doors to rooms that are not puppy-friendly. 


If scaly, cold-blooded companions are your thing then there are some very specific guidelines to consider before making your choice. The type of species will heavily influence how you can prepare and accommodate them. Take, for instance, skinks, the experts from tell us how these creatures need an enclosure that is spacious enough that they can have a hiding spot, as well as move about without shedding their skin in doing so. They go further to recommend that Northern Blue Tongued Skinks in particular make for very good companions as they are so easy to look after. Reptiles will all need some sort of tank or enclosure. Here it is wise to opt for glass instead of plastic, so as to not pass chemicals onto your little friend. You will need to get a special type of coverage to allow for the correct ventilation and heat entry. You also want to incorporate three important features within the enclosure such as a source of light, water, and heat.

Kittens And Cats

The perfect pet for apartment living. These creatures are known for their independent ways, low-maintenance needs, and adaptability. They don’t require much in the way of space like a garden. Make sure there is a comfortable chair or sofa in the sun for them to curl up on and they’ll be happy. One thing to be aware of when it comes to cats is to get a scratching post of sorts for them to sharpen their claws. Otherwise, your curtains and other soft furniture will take a beating from countless scratch marks. 

If you do not have access to an outside area, you will need to have a designated area for cat litter. This can get a little strong-smelling so you need to ensure this is removed from other parts of the house like the kitchen or living room. A good place to put it would be a pantry, guest toilet, or corridor. Remember you don’t want to forget about it, so best to put it somewhere where you will be reminded. You will also need to make sure you are good about regularly changing the litter. If you have a lawn or balcony of sorts, this should solve your problem as once cats are toilet-trained, it should be completely out of sight and out of mind. Cats like exploring, and so if you live in a safe complex or area, consider installing a catflap on your door. That way, kitty can come and go as kitty pleases.

Fish Friends

If you are a fan of aqua life, not only can these fellows be calming companions to watch, but a tank or pond can do wonders for your smartening-up of your household interior. There is something very elegant and contemporary about a large fish feature in a living space. Fish are incredibly easy to maintain, and just require a tank or pond clean occasionally. Be aware of which aqua life you partner up in the same tank, as some species eat others, including their offspring or a fellow fish from the same species. If you have children, teach them to be mindful of the fish tank and not accidentally knock it over in an energetic game. In fact, a good idea is to place your tank in an out-of-reach position.

When it comes to preparing your home to accommodate pet friends, there are a few things to be mindful of as a pet-owner and ways to adapt to your home environment. The idea is to make your home comfortable for both you and your new friend to live alongside one another. This while taking into account the needs of the animal as well as yours and your family’s. Hopefully, this guide has served as some use in helping you to navigate the process of ‘pet-ifying’ your place!