How to Master Your Home DIY Projects

It’s one thing being an occasional DIYer and another to really crack those essential skills so that your project results are something to be proud of. And that means taking the time to learn, listen to others and hone your DIY skills. If you’d like to go to the next level, we show you how to master your DIY projects and make those home improvement jobs something to be really proud of.

Have the core tools

You will never complete a DIY project to the standard you’d like unless you have the correct tools for the job. Check you have all the basics – tape measure, level, screwdriver, hammer, adjustable spanner etc – in your toolbox and get the best quality you can, so that they last. Then ensure you always get the correct additional tools needed for a specific job at hand, you can get all the tools you may need at ADA Fastfix and have them delivered straight to your door.

Brush up on your knowledge

Even if you think you know all you need to know, it’s worth taking a little time out to brush up on your DIY knowledge. And this certainly holds true if you’re looking to try something new. If you don’t have the time to complete a DIY course, then the Internet is awash with ‘how to’ guides and skills video tutorials which can prove invaluable in mastering tricky DIY tasks.

Learn from others

Get proactive and join your local ‘DIYer community’, whether that’s via social media or with your friends or relatives. Anyone who may have more experience than you and you can turn to for advice are invaluable when you need an expert helping hand. Being part of a like-minded community also means you can ‘pay it forward’ and pass on your hard-earned knowledge too.

Be organised

Do you know someone with a work shed that’s the envy of everyone? Then take a leaf out of their DIY book and get your own workspace and equipment organised. A neat, organised DIY workstation means your tools are stored safely and will encourage you to keep them clean and in full working order. And that means you are always organised and good to go, whenever that next DIY job calls. 

Prioritise the prep

Master your DIY project by putting your focus on planning and prep before you do anything else. From taking multiple measurements and drafting up a full plan, to practising first and fully prepping the site, effective planning means the likelihood of success as well as less waste or unscheduled trips to the DIY centre for more supplies. 

Finish each project

There’s nothing like a half-finished project to drive down your DIY motivation, so aim to always finish each project before you move onto the next. And complete the job to your best ability, removing the evidence of DIY once you have finished. So, that’s no missed pieces of masking tape, loose handles or discarded dust sheets to remind you of a job half done!

Keep challenging yourself

To master those DIY projects, you need to keep pushing yourself and keep learning so there will always be a new challenge to hone those DIY skills. So, after each job, ask yourself where else you could take those skills and work out what you need to learn. And that also means by mastering your own DIY skills, you have a clearer idea of what is possible for you to do, and what jobs are best left to the experts.