What You Need To Get If You Want To Power Your Home With Renewable Energy

Thanks to innovations in science and technology, it is possible to power the average household with renewable energy. Using green energy in your daily life can be very fulfilling. It can also have practical advantages like decreased spending on utility bills. While having a fully green-powered home is considered by many to be a rewarding experience, making this a reality is quite ambitious. There is a lot of effort, careful planning, and upfront costs to create renewable power.

Where do you begin? 

Like with all ambitious projects, your journey to make your home powered by renewable energy starts with preparation. In this particular planning phase, research is fundamental. It’s crucial to have a thorough understanding of what constitutes green-energy for a standard home. You’ll have to learn about solar energy, wind turbines, and solar-wind hybrid technologies. Knowing as much about the different ways of achieving green energy will help you make informed decisions. It would be best to investigate what financial incentives the local or federal government and banks offer for those who want to install renewable energy tech in their home. 

When it comes to investing in green power – the information is power!

Experts agree that solar power is most often the best type of renewable energy for residential properties. The main reasons for this are that solar systems require little maintenance; they can be mounted almost anywhere and installed in rural and suburban regions. 

The types of solar systems vary, but all residential systems require these three key elements:

  • Panels 
  • Inverters 
  • Batteries

Each of these components serve their own unique function

1. Solar panels 

These are the most recognizable components of any solar energy system. Solar panels are glass, silicon, and aluminum wonders that line residential roofs or farmers’ fields in neat and tidy grids worldwide. Panels are the essential components that collect heat and light from the sun’s rays and convert them into energy. 

Roof-mounted panels are stationery items with little need for maintenance other than cleaning dust and debris from weather or bird droppings. Because there are no gears and movement involved, the only thing that affects the quality and condition of panels is time, and in most cases, it takes several decades to see any degradation.

The means of mounting the panels vary and are dependent on what type of roof you have. Generally, they involve rails and bolts composed of aluminum. They are best installed by professionals, and there are many companies that offer cleaning services. Panels vary wildly in terms of wattage and the geographic regions for which they are suited. Many solar panels are rated to be highly functional for at least 30 years. 

2. Inverters

While panels are the pieces of solar power systems that get all the glory, inverters serve an essential support function. They are the complex mechanism that turns the direct current (DC) from the panels into alternating current (AC). The AC is the magic that powers the home’s grid and makes all appliances operate. Think of an inverter as a middleman that communicates with the power grid on behalf of the panels. 

Inverters serve as quality control for the system by actively monitoring output. They provide important data to a homeowner about the system’s power levels and effectiveness. Ethernet, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi are most often the sources of connection between the inverter and homeowner. Inverters serve important safety functions as well. If solar panels are the face of a solar energy system, the inverter is the backbone. An inverter is arguably the hardest working component in a system.

3. Solar Batteries

What happens when the sun goes down? The answer: batteries go to work! According to the solar power experts at BFO Solar, batteries are “energy security in uncertain times.” They also serve as the backup power source for the system. While the sun beats down on the panels throughout the day, these batteries absorb the extra energy the system generates. The batteries are connected to a system with cables and store the energy they absorb for use when necessary. This important storage function is what makes sure that a system doesn’t waste any precious energy. Batteries are thus a means of conservation. The most common solar batteries are lithium-ion batteries. These batteries have an extremely long life. Many batteries designed for solar energy systems are also compatible with other renewable energy systems, leaving the potential to incorporate other systems or technology eventually. 

The three components of solar energy systems are very effective collaborators. If panels ignite and motivate the system, the inverters direct, focus and monitor the system, solar batteries make the system reliable. If you want to start a solar energy system in your home, this effective trio will help power your success.