4 Important Factors to Consider When Buying Paint for Your Home

Do you want to repaint your current home or do you want fresh new paint in your new home or apartment? Well, no matter where you want to paint, you must be able to choose the best paint that will satisfy your needs.

The right paint gives you the perfect look you want to give your home or space. The good news is that there are tips that will help you to find the best paint for your project. Following are the important factors to consider when buying paint for your home.

Must be Washable

You need to check whether the type of paint you are going to use is washable. Paint tends to get dirty with time especially in the high traffic areas of your home such as porches and kitchens. This calls for regular cleaning to maintain the clean look of the paint always.

So you need to use paint that can be washable once it gets dirty more especially if you have kids at home because they also tend to play on the walls. Nonwashable paint is costly because every time your walls get dirty, you will need to repaint them which is expensive.

The Smell

There are some types of paint on the market with irritating smells that can be annoying and this results from the chemicals used in its manufacture. These chemicals create an irritating smell and worst of all, some people are allergic to the smells and may get some serious health conditions.

Well, the best decision is to look for types of paint that don’t have smelly fumes with the help of experts at https://www.onedaypaint.com.au/ especially if you are repainting your home. This is because you may not be able to stay inside if the paint has smelly fumes during the project.


You need to examine the brand of the paint you wish to buy because this determines its quality. There are popular brands on the market known for supplying the best paint and these are the best options to buy from.

You are assured of the best paint from top suppliers and in case of any problem with the paint, you can contact the company’s support team. This can be challenging because there are several paint brands on the market however choose one with a good reputation.


Various paint brands price their products differently on the market so you need to check out the various prices and go with the type of paint you can afford. But despite the prices being different, there’s an average market price that covers all the price ranges of different brands and the differences aren’t big.

To be on the safe side and get the best paint, you need to go for a brand with top-quality paint at fair prices. It may be within the average market price or slightly above but don’t fall for cheap paint as it is most cases of poor quality.

Get the Best Paint

Get help from the experts with many years of experience in the industry at onedaypaint.com.au to be able to choose the right paint for the success of your painting project