5 Essential Matters to Disclose to the Buyer While Selling a Home

Selling your home is a daunting task. The whole process becomes complicated when buyers do not know all the facts about the property. This blog has put together five essential matters that sellers need to disclose while selling a home. By following these tips, you can put your buyer at ease and ensure a smooth transaction from start to finish.


The best way to help buyers understand how your home could affect their lives is to let them know about defects or repairs that are required to be made. If you are selling property, disclosing should be done before an offer has been made. According to the California Fair Repair Act of 2009, it is a legal requirement that sellers disclose all repairs they have ever made on their property. Therefore, you must mention all the repairs beforehand.

Lead Based Paint Disclosure

Lead is highly toxic, and nearly all homes built before 1978 contain it. Lead and toxic metals can cause serious health problems. These are found on the surfaces of homes in older areas like California. Thus, you have to disclose it on lead-based paint disclosure if there are any dangerous lead paint or construction materials such as asbestos within a half-mile radius. Before accepting an offer from a home buyer who does not know about this information, it is in the best interest of all parties to disclose as this could potentially affect a buyer’s decision according to federal and state law.

Water Damage

Not all homes have water damage or other such issues, but you must disclose if your property does. You must let buyers know if there is any moisture in the house and how to access it for repairs. If there is a pipe burst or a crack in the foundation, mentioning this may help win over an otherwise nervous buyer. You should mention water damage if you have a home sale plan because having issues with leaky pipes can ruin floors and walls, making buildings unusable.

Neighbor Behavior

The next thing to mention is if you have a neighbor who bullies or harasses people in the neighboring houses. People love living where they feel comfortable, but there may be something that makes buyers uncomfortable, like street noises and other personal problems at your property’s location.

Paranormal Activity

Although many people are skeptical about a ghostly presence, the American Society for Civil Engineers estimates that 17% of old homes contain building materials that could have caused ‘bad vibes.’ If you have a potential buyer who has demonstrated fears in the past of spirits or extra senses, it may be best to disclose whether your home is haunted or not. Never lie about this information. A breach of contract may result if doing so and complicates things further.

Finally, selling a home is a big step, and it requires focus and devotion. One of the most important things to ensure a smooth and successful sale is to disclose all the essential information to the buyer upfront. To help you out, we have put together a list of five crucial matters that you need to tell when selling a home.