5 Ideas for a Spring Home Makeover on a Budget

Spring is around the corner and a home makeover is due for a lot of households, especially since spring was a scary time for most of us in 2020 and any plans for refreshing our homes had to be put off indefinitely. Now that we have the opportunity to let our creative spirits out this spring, let’s concentrate on how to make a home look great, without letting the bank account run dry.

Fresh Spring Flowers Never Fail

Flowers signify and represent the blooming season in their essence, and they are an inevitable part of what spring is all about. There are many ways to use flowers for giving your home a makeover. You can ask for advice from a florist and work with them to choose fresh, springtime flowers in neat arrangements that complement your home. Or, you could get creative and attempt to make your own arrangements and place them in the most used areas of your home. You can use decorative, light-shaded or spring themed vases to house your assortment of colorful spring flowers strategically. You may want to invest in a few indoor flowering plants so that you don’t have to buy flowers too often.

Flowers offer an inexpensive way to add color and the quintessential spring charm to any household, especially if you can take some time out for decorating your home by yourself. Professionals will likely do a better job, but it is a lot cheaper and more satisfying if you do it on your own.

Use Coupons and Discount Codes While Buying the More Expensive Items

Coupons and discount codes can be a huge help if you are on a budget, making it easier to afford the more expensive items on your spring shopping list. As long as you are looking in the right places, there’s a coupon that you can use for buying everything from home appliances and house electricals, to beddings and furniture.

Create and Place Terrariums Strategically Throughout the House

Terrariums are quite easy to make, but just in case you have not tried making one before, you might want to refer to this handy guide. When placed strategically near the best lit places within your home, they can look gorgeous. Be careful with choosing the containers though, or the plants in them may not be able to grow properly, giving way to unsightly growth patterns.

Add a Spring Herbs Collection in the Kitchen

A small collection of spring herbs in decorated pots along the kitchen window looks beautiful, and if you are careful in your selection of the herbs, they can be quite useful for cooking as well. The fruits you buy from the market can also be arranged on the kitchen island to create a natural point of accent. Just make sure that there is a bit of variety in color and fruit type while buying them from the market.

Choose Spring Themed Covers and Pillows

Changing a piece of furniture can get quite expensive, but it is a lot more affordable if you just change the covers and sheets instead to match your home’s new, spring décor. Use bright shades of spring hues such as those of lavender, soft yellow and light green/turquoise while choosing bedsheets, couch covers and pillows. Add a bit of contrast between the background and foreground by accenting your bed sheets and couch covers with brighter or darker hued pillows.

Finally, don’t forget to let the colors of spring touch your linens and towels as well, keeping them in line with the rest of your recent changes. This wraps up our brief list of tips and ideas which should allow homeowners to redecorate their homes for the spring ahead, without having to worry too much about overspending in the process.