5 Ways to Produce Energy Efficiency and Savings from Your HVAC System

Your household could be helping to reduce energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions with an energy-efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Benefits include energy savings and improved air quality.

Here are five ways energy-efficient homes are lowering their energy usage, you could check this power efficiency guide to understand how to save energy and reduce those crazy electricity charges.

HVAC Integrated Radiant Floor Heating and Cooling


Tired of waking up in the morning to glacially cold floors? Radiant floor central heating and cooling provides total house comfort by evenly distributing thermal heat and cooling while operating at a temperature up to 5 degrees Celsius lower.

HVAC Air Quality Monitors

An HVAC system equipped with integrated air monitoring can also regulate humidity, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and other pollutants and toxins in your home. If your family members are suffering from headaches, nausea, dizziness, or skin irritations, building-related sickness caused by molds, pollutants, and other toxic substances lurking in your home could be the cause.

Growing awareness of the link between air quality and health has led to a sharp rise in in-home air quality monitor sales. If you are shopping for an air quality monitor, an HVAC system with integrated clean air sensors can improve your household’s air quality.

SmartHome Energy System

Connecting your HVAC system to a smart home system will enable you to precisely control your heating and cooling system, humidity, and other factors affecting your home comfort and health. These systems can automatically control heating, lights, humidity, and appliances. Smart home sensors, including occupancy sensors that adjust temperature and lighting based on if someone is in the room, also are being integrated into HVAC systems.

Upgrade/Retrofit Your HVAC System


Households have saved up to 35 percent in annual energy savings from HVAC energy efficiency upgrades (US Department of Energy). People can benefit from utility and government incentives and rebates (offered at the municipal, provincial, and federal level) from high energy efficiency ENERGY STAR® certified products. Be sure to research the incentives you are eligible for before upgrading, as they may not apply after the work is complete.  You can research yourself by looking into the best 60 gallon air compressor online.

Annual HVAC Tuneups


Remote monitoring, another smart feature, can perform preventive maintenance, but your system should not miss its annual audit when the seasons change is a good time to have your annual HVAC system tuneup. In the same way, you tune up your car before a long road trip, tuning up your HVAC system before the long winter months will ensure your heating system does not break down during a big chill.

Cleaning air filters and debris in Page 2 of 2 system improves energy efficiency. Many utilities offer annual HVAC tuneups for under $100. These tuneups are increasingly offered as part of an overall energy efficiency audit, which includes safety inspections and maintenance. They will also check your windows and insulation, helping you to lower your overall winter utility bill.

A smart, energy-efficient HVAC system could be your first step towards becoming a Net Zero home – one that produces as much energy as it consumes – and saving as much as 80 percent on energy costs. If you live in Ontario or Vancouver, BC, your residence is required to be Net Zero by 2030