6 At Home Plumbing Tips To Save You Money

Your plumbing is one of the most important amenities in your home. It’ll be very challenging for you to make the most out of your investment if you do not have access to clean water.

How can you maintain or improve your overall health if you can’t drink water whenever you want to? Do you think you can clean your home with ease if you don’t have access to water?

Being a homeowner requires long-term commitment because you have to make sure that your home has a fully functional plumbing system – one that provides clean water 24/7 and will not become the reason why your bills will increase over time. You’ll have a hard time enjoying your home if you see yourself burdened in paying thousands of dollars for your water bills.

For you to save money on your plumbing costs and water bills, implement the following tips:

1. Get Regular Plumbing Inspections

One of the biggest conceptions homeowners have is to only call plumbers in St. Paul MN and other contractors if they notice any plumbing problems. They think that as long as the water is coming out from their fixtures, there’s no need to ask for professional help. However, this isn’t true because your home’s plumbing might have underlying problems, and continuing to use it can only aggravate these problems.

Don’t commit the same mistake by hiring pros for regular plumbing inspections. Paying for these pros is actually a cost-effective investment because underlying plumbing problems will be diagnosed and fixed as soon as possible. Also, minor plumbing problems will be easier and cheaper to fix.

2. Replace Or Repair A Leaky Faucets As Soon As Possible

Repair A Leaky Faucets

Hearing leaky faucets around your home is not only irritating, but the small drips from your faucets can also become the reason why your energy bills will skyrocket for a small amount of time. A leaky faucet is always a cause for concern because leaving this unaddressed can equate to wasting about 7,000 gallons of clean water every month.

If you notice that your faucet is leaking, opt to change them as soon as possible. You can do this by hiring professionals from your locality or roll up your sleeves and do the repair yourself.

3. Invest In Low Flow Faucets

Faucets now come in a wide variety of styles and designs. Regardless of how you want your home to look, there will always be a faucet that perfectly fits the bill. But, are you aware that faucets have also improved function-wise?

Today, you can now buy low-flow faucets that can help reduce water usage by up to 50% every year by mixing air within the water in your home or lowering the output from your fixtures from 2.2 gallons down to 1.5 gallons every minute. For more savings, you can also invest in low-flow showerheads.

4. Lower The Water Temperature Of Your Water Heater

Taking a hot bath or shower is one of the best ways to end a stressful day. If your state or country usually has cold weather throughout the year, a hot bath or shower can surely energize you for the day.

But, if you’re looking for ways to save money on your energy bills, you shouldn’t always use hot water whenever you’re taking a bath or shower. Constantly using the water heater increases your bills for up to 10%.

Instead, whenever you’re taking a bath or shower, turn down your water heater to 120 degrees. This change might mean using colder water whenever you’re in the bathroom. But, if this simple measure can help you save money, you should definitely adapt to this change.

5. Use Flood Detectors

Use Flood Detectors

If you want to save money on your home’s plumbing, technology can be your ally. There are now different tools that can help you maintain the condition of your appliances and fixtures while controlling your energy bills.

Flood detectors are tools that you should definitely have in your home. These can automatically shut off the device or water supply once it detects flood in the area. All you have to do is hook these detectors to your appliances, such as your washing machine and dishwasher, and have peace of mind that these will not overflow and cause significant damage to your home.

By having this investment, you won’t have to worry about going into a home with ankle-deep water just because you turned on your washing machine before leaving!

6. Avoid Using Liquid Drain Cleaners

Today, there are a lot of products available in the market that can help you clean your drains and address other plumbing problems. These products can be a godsend, especially for a homeowner who doesn’t have an idea of how to maintain their home’s plumbing. However, solely using these products isn’t the best option to help you save money on your plumbing, as these can actually create more significant damages.

Liquid drain cleaners, for example, can cause nasty damage to your pipes because it contains toxic chemicals that produce heat. These chemicals will rest on the clogged area of your home’s plumbing and cause your pipes to weaken or melt. Hence, using liquid drain cleaners all the time can usually result in bigger expenses because you’ll have to pay for the repair or installation of new pipes.

Steer away from this direction by swapping liquid drain cleaners with natural products. You can use a plunger or pour in a mixture of vinegar and baking soda whenever you notice that your drains are clogged. If none of these solutions work, opt to hire professionals to fix your problem.

Ask Help From Pros

You can only do so much as a homeowner. If you see yourself struggling to maintain or improve your home’s plumbing, it’s still best to ask help from professionals. Attempting to accomplish all of these tasks yourself can do more harm than good, especially if you don’t have the tools and experience to properly handle all of these.

Spend time to determine which plumbing issues can be addressed with DIY solutions and which ones require professional help. This information will help you enjoy your home’s plumbing for the longest time possible and keep expenses to a minimum.