6 Plants You Can Easily Take Care Of In Your Garden

For many new homeowners, the garden space can be intimidating if you are unsure of where to start and how to begin. It will appear as a lot of work, which can deter you from taking on a great hobby. For those that are worried they cannot care for their plants and flowers, here are a few plants that are easy to take care of in your garden.


Catmint is a purple or lavender colored plant. The flowers bloom out of a spike from the roots that form a bushy foliage. They produce a minty aroma or smell, which not only gives your garden a great aroma but also deters pests from invading your plant space. These flowers are perfect for gardeners that are not sure how to deal with pests and are looking for some low maintenance flowers to add to their garden. They are perfect for sharing garden space with other plants as they are not invasive or detrimental to other plant growth. Catmint is also great to grow in a variety of climates, which makes it ideal for any beginner gardeners.

Moonshine Yarrow

One quality of this plant that holds firm in many garden spaces it is found in is that it is adaptable. This is perfect for people that have trouble growing other plants, and makes it ideal for beginners as well. No matter where you plant these flowers, they will thrive. They can survive and grow in drier spaces that do not see consistent watering, but will do well in water heavy places as well. With their adaptability, they are low maintenance, which makes them easy to care in any garden. They are yellow when they fully bloom as clusters in summer months, growing out of light green leafy clusters in the spring. These flowers won’t spread either, ensuring that you are not having to worry about keeping them contained.

May Night Salvia

The name May Night Salvia reflects the time that these flowers tend to bloom and blossom, as they grow in the spring month of May. These perennials, along with the previous ones listed, grow in mounds of deep green leaves in spring. May Night Salvia grows spikes of deep blue or purple flowers. They can be grown in different environments in terms of soil, being able to be fruitful in heavy clay soil, sandy soil, in dry climates and environments or wetter or moisture heavy areas. They are a consistent flower that blooms and grows throughout the years and will be a staple in your garden. They come in other colors and in a variety of sizes, so you should consider your garden size, as well as your preferences to compliment the other flowers in your green spaces.

Tropicanna Canna Plant

For something a little different, canna tropicanna plants are popular for their beauty and vibrant bright colors. These plants bloom with large bright orange, bronze, or rustic colored leaves, which are the major draws to their attention. These are long lasting plants that require little maintenance. They are perfect for sharing space in your gardens but draw attention for their size and color. You can plant these during the warmer times of the year in spring and summer, with them lasting many years. Once they have grown to a significant size, and after one frost you may dig them up and store them in a space like your basement until they are ready to be replanted in the warmer months. When the weather begins to warm up, you can replant them and start the process again. They require little water, and a bit of maintenance to keep trimmed in shape, and this little effort to grow and keep them is why they are perfect for gardeners that lack in time to put in as much effort.

Red Valerian

Another unique perennial plant is the red valerian. The garden experts at bovees.com/ recommend perennial flowers and plants to those that are looking for something that is more low maintenance and easier to care for. Perennial plants require less gardening as they tend to grow back every year as long as the roots are still intact. The other types of plants are annuals, which only grow one season and require new seeds to be planted again each year. One of the many benefits of this plant is the long blooming season they have, running from the start of summer potentially staying in bloom throughout the season. In order to extend their blooming season, you will want to perform some trimming habits here and there. In terms of aesthetics, it is a tall flower that blooms bright red. It is not a particularly high maintenance plant, and does not attract many pests. Butterflies to seem to be attracted so be prepared for some pretty visitors. They also come in other colors such as white, but the traditional red provides the pop to a garden to grab your attention with a color that also uniquely stands out. This plant is perfect for those with limited space in their gardens and want to still have something that draws attention to their yards. They are flexible and suitable for warm and moist conditions as well. Their long blooming season means that your gardening efforts will show visually.


Daylilies are another perennial flower to consider planting in your garden. They need consistent moisture in order to grow and thrive, but they are overall low maintenance plants. Their leaves are bright green and reflect the beautiful yellow to give them a natural glow. Individual stocks do not take up much room, but you should consider planting them in larger groups. Their leaves, resembling grass, create a foundation that will make your gardens feel fuller. Even when not in full bloom, daylilies still look great, meaning that you will be able to maximize your gardening season with these in your flower or garden beds. They have a nice fragrance to add to your garden as well. Most daylilies bloom once, but there are specific ones that can rebloom during your growing season.

As you become more avid and experienced about your gardening hobby, you can eventually begin to add more plants to your yard. It is good to start with flowers you can properly maintain, and slowly plant more as you become more comfortable.