6 Signs Your Furnace Needs a Repair or Replacement

As every homeowner in Salt Lake City knows, the weather in fall and winter can be brutal and unpredictable. When frosty winds make staying outside a challenge, we want our homes to stay warm and cozy. So, it comes down to our heating systems to keep us warm in the winters. All machines have a shelf life and if your furnace has reached its life expectancy, it may need replacement. However, most HVAC systems, furnaces in particular, last for a longer time. Hence, it is better to ascertain that the machine needs replacement before throwing it out. If you notice your furnace and heater struggling to heat up the home, don’t take it lightly. But how do you know if your furnace needs repair or replacement? Here are a few signs that tell you whether your furnace needs repair or replacement.

Age of the Furnace

Furnaces, among other HVAC system elements, have a prolonged shelf life. The average life of a gas furnace is 15-20 years while that of an electric furnace is 20-30 years. In that regard, if your furnace is more than 10 years old, it may start showing signs of wear and start requiring furnace repair services. However if your furnace is well past its age, you should consider replacement if needed. However, age should not be the only factor on which you base that decision. There are many other reasons why you might need to replace your furnace.

Age of the Furnace

Strange and Extensive Noises

You will say that furnaces making noise is quite normal. And it’s true that most furnaces make some kind of noise when running. But, when your furnace starts making strange noises like extensive humming, rattling, clanking, popping, etc. it’s certainly not normal. In fact, any of these strange noises are a telltale sign that there is something wrong with your furnace. While it may not be something serious enough to warrant a replacement of your furnace, it may still need some repair. A simple check by a trained professional can ascertain the problem and get you proper repairs if needed.

Uneven and Insufficient Heating

It’s true that cold winters can give your heating systems a thorough workout. And in some cases, work overload may make the systems slower than normal. However, if your furnace fails to heat up your home on a regular basis, the fault may be in your furnace and not the weather. When the warmth in your home starts feeling insufficient and uneven, it’s probably a sign that your furnace needs some repair.

Increasing Repair Costs and Energy Bills

Increasing Repair Costs and Energy Bills
An inefficient furnace not only fails to heat up the home, it also increases your expenses. When your home doesn’t heat up properly, the furnace will try even harder to do so and use more energy in the process. Wasting money on frequent repairs and increasing energy bills is stupid. If your furnace needs frequent repairs, and if you feel like you’re meeting your HVAC technician more than your friends, it’s certainly time to buy a new furnace!

Furnace Leaks and Dropping Air Quality

The constant heating and cooling can cause the heat exchanger in your furnace to crack over time leading to gas leaks. Any leak in your furnace can be a cause of concern as it affects the quality of air in your home. A furnace uses many different gases to heat up the air that flows through your home. These gas leaks can contaminate the air in your home and become a safety hazard. Other than leaks, even a malfunctioning filter system can affect the air quality in your home. When the air in your home is dry or humid and not as clean and fresh, it means your furnace filter needs some repair.

Visible Signs of Rust and Dirt

If your furnace has too much soot or dirt around the registers, it may mean it has too much carbon dioxide. If they spread in your home in large quantities, they can also pose a threat to the health of your family. If you find large quantities of soot, dirt, dust, and dander near the register or in your home, it is a sign that you need to replace your old furnace. Also, if you notice visible signs of rust and corrosion on the outer surface of your furnace, you should get it checked it immediately. Rust and corrosion can damage your machines severely and are can lead to furnace replacement.
Visible Signs of Rust and Dirt
When you furnace is old or overworked, it may start showing signs of wear. It’s up to you to notice these signs and give it the proper care and maintenance it needs. However, this is not something you can DIY without proper knowledge and experience. If you notice any of the above signs in your furnace, it’s best to let a professional HVAC technician take care of the issue for you.