7 Garden Herbs That Relieve Indigestion Naturally

Good digestion is the key to good health. It is closely associated with other systems such as the nervous, immune and endocrine systems. Even minor digestive issues, therefore, can make you feel uneasy and lethargic. The major ones, on the other hand, can lead to a host of diseases and deteriorate the quality of life in the long run. This is the reason why you need to prioritize your digestive health.

Even if you eat a balanced diet, you can still come across common digestion-related issues such as constipation, heartburn, diarrhea, bloating and general indigestion. The best approach to treating them is natural. Surprisingly, you can do it easily because there are several herbs and spices that help to relieve symptoms of indigestion naturally. There are even some that you can easily grow right in your kitchen garden. Let us list them for you.


A common garden herb that can do wonders for your relieving indigestion is fennel. From treating flatulence to heartburn, bloating and similar indigestion issues, this carminative herb has extensive benefits. It is loaded with an active compound called anethole, which soothes the digestive tract and reduces acidity. And the best part is that it has a great taste and is easy to consume as you can just chew the seeds, brew them for making herbal tea or simply add them to your everyday dishes.


Like fennel, basil is a plant that is can be easily cultivated at home and has the potential to counter indigestion effectively. Basil leaves stimulate the mucous production inside the stomach. The mucous so produced has a soothing action and cuts down the excessive acid production within the digestive tract. Just chew a few leaves or use them for brewing digestive, herbal tea that you can sip after meals. You can even try adding basil leaves to your daily cooking.


If you really want to try these plants that can be easily cultivated in your backyard but are as good as medicines for alleviating the symptoms of indigestion, be sure to grow ginger in your garden. High in phenolic compounds, this wonderful herb is capable of absorbing stomach acid and relieving gastrointestinal inflammation and irritation. Plus, it lends amazing flavors to all your recipes and makes a delicious herbal concoction as well. You can even chew on a piece of raw ginger for the best results.


Mint is an herb that you probably know for the incredible aroma and flavors it adds to the dishes but there is a lot more to this herb. It has natural antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and digestive properties, all of which make it highly effective for treating the symptoms of indigestion. Beyond that, it can also alleviate problems such as abdominal pain, irritable bowel, heartburn and vomiting. You can try delicious peppermint tea or make it a habit to add a fistful of chopped mint leaves to your recipes.


Thyme is a potent herb that is revered for its natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties, which makes it useful for treating a variety of medical conditions including indigestion. It can also prove useful to prevent gas and mild diarrhea. Not much effort is required to grow thyme in your kitchen garden and it can easily thrive in any climatic condition. This herb can be brewed into a concoction or used in salads and dishes.


A potent herb that is widely acclaimed for its carminative, antibiotic, antimicrobial and anti inflammatory properties, sage makes an excellent natural remedy for indigestion that you can grow right in your backyard. It treats several indigestion-induced conditions including loss of appetite, heartburn, diarrhea, gas, bloating and stomach ache. Sage tea is a popular indigestion remedy that has been used for ages.


Chamomile is a mild, apple-scented garden herb though its delicate flavors make it no less effective for indigestion. Not only is it highly useful for adults, but can be safely used for young children as well. Since the action of this herb is very mild, it is popularly used as a home remedy for infant colic and stomach disorders. Chamomile tea is a widely acclaimed remedy for acid reflux and calms upset stomach as well.

Considering the fact that all these herbs are easy to grow in your kitchen garden, these are accessible when it comes to reaching out for them. Moreover, they are simple to use as a part of home remedies. Also, the fact that they are safe and inexpensive alternatives to conventional medicines makes them valued assets for any home.

This aloe vera supplement is an excellent option for people who are interested in balancing the acidity in their stomach.