7 Sneaky Tips for Making Your House Look Clean in a Snap

If you consider cleaning your house as picking your partner’s gym gear to put it in the hamper, or clearing the children’s toys, or clearing last night’s popcorn bowls from the coffee table, you are not alone. Cleaning the house involves a lot. And, most people don’t give the house the recommended deep cleaning as often as they should.

The main reason why we might neglect our safe space? Time is simply insufficient.

But, don’t find yourself losing it when there is a guest on the way and the house is a mess. We believe that there are tips that you can use to make your house sparkling clean in less time than you think. Here are the seven most popular tips that will achieve a spotless house in record time. Keep reading.

Make the Time

Time management is everything. And when done right, who said house cleaning has to take all weekend? Still, you need to plan and schedule adequate time to get the cleaning done. The trick is to figure out the day of the week where you can devote a few hours to the task. Make sure to consider the size of the house when setting aside time.

Having cleaned the house once or twice, you may have a rough estimate of how long it usually takes. Plan accordingly.

Commitment Gets the Job Done

Concentration gets the work done. This is also true for an efficient home cleaning routine. While the average professional cleaner will concentrate to get the work done, the same cannot be said of us. We might get distracted by the fashion magazine that we never finished checking out or answering that email we almost forgot.

And, to many of us, social media can be derailing. As such, the purpose to keep your gadgets away when cleaning. Then, put on some cleaning clothes and get on top of it. Make sure its clothes you don’t mind getting stained. Remember, cleaning products contain bleach which can easily discolor your favorite shirt. For those that use harsher products, gloves are needed. Protect your skin. Finally, we all know the power of music. Have your favorite playlist that will pump you up or relax you- however you like it to get the job done.

Have a Plan

What makes professional cleaners efficient is that they have a tested and proven plan, and they don’t just do things that come to mind. Start by going to every room and clearing all the clutter. Pick up those old sneakers, clothes, old magazines- and consider if they should be put away or simply tossed out or donated.

Next, strip the linens from the beds, grab the throw offs off the seats, and take the bath mats out. These washable items should be put next to other washable rugs and dirty laundry, to be washed late. For an efficient and fast cleaning routine, you might want to have all the floors as bare as possible.

Start With the Toughest Rooms

After clearing all the clutter from all the rooms, experts advise you to start your cleaning with the most time-consuming spaces. For most of us, this is usually the kitchen or the bathrooms. Starting with the most difficult and intimidating spaces ensures you don’t run out of psyche before you get to those curtains. Plus, finishing your cleaning by making the bed feels more relaxing compared to scrubbing the tub as the last thing.

Go in Order

Left to right, top to bottom- take this approach for every room. Start by dusting the top of the shelves, countertops, dusting the blinds, and ceilings. Make sure the ceiling fan is off before dusting.  Next, wipe the surfaces- use a cloth mounted on a mop for the high places. Experts at vacuumshop.com.au advise the floors to be vacuumed last. With this choreography, you ensure that every space is given attention and you are not dirtying any space while cleaning the other.

If there is a product that needs to sit prior, make sure to apply in time so it can work out its magic. One mistake most people make is not reading the instructions on their cleaning products. Follow every instruction to make the product give you the best results.

Use the Right Supplies

Most of us have, in a pinch, use a window cleaner that leaves a streaky mess. Or a counter spray-on glass surfaces that left them worse off. This especially occurs when we use multifunctional products where a specific one is needed. As such, make sure to invest in the right and effective supplies. Professionals will keep the products organized in a caddy or in a bucket. For the windows and glass surfaces, research and see what experts recommend. Alternatively, a microfiber cloth will get the job done. And, for a few extra dollars, you can get a high-quality feather duster that does a magnificent job.

Don’t Ignore Natural Products

Some people are allergic to many cleaning products. Others are concerned about the chemicals present in popular cleaning supplies, or they might be short on time to get a product from the store. The good news is, there are products you already have in your house that could serve as perfect alternatives. That white vinegar that has been in your house for months is effective on hard surface floors. Also, half a lemon dropped in your garbage disposal will get rid of that unwanted odor. For cleaning the oven, you could opt for baking soda. Plus, mineral oil will work wonders on all the stainless steel.

Additional tips

Is there something as satisfying as a sparkling floor? After all the rooms are clean, sweep, and then mop the flooring. Use a special cleaner for better results on wooden floors. If your flooring is carpeted, vacuum it. When the floors are dry, replace the rugs. Remember to put clean bath mats and fresh towels in the bathroom. And, make the bed too to complete this process.

The best way to have a clean space is to enjoy the cleaning process. And with these tips, you are sure to make the process easier, and faster. Once you get to these tips on a constant basis, your home will look and feel better.