There is a fine balance between the government telling you what to do and ensuring that you remain safe. Fire extinguishers fall into this bracket as they are not required by law in a residential house but they are a good idea. This is in contrast to smoke alarms that have recently become mandatory.

Regardless of the legislation, you should be considering visiting your local fire safety equipment suppliers and purchasing several fire extinguishers. There are several excellent reasons why you need to have fire extinguishers in your home.

They Save Lives

A fire extinguisher is designed to assist with small fires. This makes them a great weapon when used with a smoke detector. The theory is that the detector should alert you to a fire before it becomes too serious. This will give you the opportunity to put the fire out with your extinguisher.

Of course, you should have created a fire escape plan as this will ensure everyone in the house knows how to get out. The fire extinguisher can be used to tackle the blaze or it can be used to clear a path through a fire. This can help everyone to get out safely.

However, you should respect the limits of what a fire extinguisher can do. It contains a specific amount of powder and is only effective against small fires. 

If you’re dealing with a large fire you can use the fire extinguisher to help you get out but, once everyone is out, you should get out too. It saves lives, not the house.

Better For Insurance

There are several different types of fire extinguishers, designed to deal with different types of fire. However, the best extinguisher to have at home is a multipurpose one that can deal with all types of fire. 

If you have a fire extinguisher you can mention this to your home insurance company. Providing it is correctly certified and maintained, they may reduce your insurance cost. That’s a nice bonus!

Of course, you’ll either need different types of extinguishers in the relevant locations or several general-purpose ones on each floor of your home.  This helps to ensure they are useful if you ever experience a fire.

Peace Of Mind

Worrying about a house fire can cause you a lot of stress which can be detrimental to your overall health. However, you can avoid the issue by fitting smoke alarms and fire extinguishers. While these items won’t prevent a fire, they will alert you and give you the best opportunity of getting out alive. There is little more you can do and this should help to reduce your stress levels, effectively improving your health.

Having a fire extinguisher doesn’t mean you have to tackle the fire in your home or endanger your life. It’s an aid to help you and your loved ones get out of the house without being injured or killed. If you understand it’s role and know how to use it, you’ll find that it’s a useful addition to your home.