A Practical Weekly House Cleaning Schedule

A home is a place where memories are made and laughter is shared. It’s also a place where dirt, dust, and grime can quickly build up if you’re not careful. Maintaining cleanliness is paramount to ensuring that your home is a comfortable and inviting place for you and your loved ones. It serves as a reflection of your standards and can be a source of pride.

That being said, it is obvious that life gets busy, and it’s not always possible to keep your home as clean as you would like it to be. This is where having a realistic weekly house cleaning schedule comes in handy. By taking the time to map out when you will complete certain tasks, you can make sure that your home is always clean and tidy without feeling overwhelmed.

Here is an example schedule to get you started:

Sunday: Vacuum and mop

-all carpets and rugs, dust all surfaces.

-all bedroom floors

-living room and dining room floors

kitchen floor

Monday: Laundry Day

-all laundry (sheets, towels, etc.)

-curtains and blinds/curtains and drapes (clean all areas of moulding and window frames to remove dust and dirt that accumulate there)

-wash all bedding, and wash sheets once a week (toss all washed sheets; wash comforters once a month; wash blankets once a year).

-dry-clean items as needed.

-fold washed and dried item

-iron clothing and all necessary items.

Put away the laundry

-prepare your kids’ uniform

Tuesday: Bathrooms

-clean toilets, sinks, and showers/bathtubs

-wipe down all surfaces.

-mirrors and glass

mop floors, mop shower floors, and baseboards.

-Wash all glass doors, windows, and mouldings.

-Clean out all medicine cabinets and shelves (toss expired medications or move pills to a separate part of the cabinet).

Wednesday: Kitchen

-clean stovetop and refrigerator (remove any food that has spoiled to toss or donate; spray starch on the inside of the refrigerator to eliminate stains).

-sanitize sink/faucet; clean garbage disposal; clean inside of oven/microwave and clean the inside of the dishwasher.

-Clean all cabinets and drawers; wash all dishes and cups.

-remove/toss any expired food items (there are several days throughout your week that it’s okay to throw out food).

Thursday: Garage/Workspace Area (if applicable).

-remove any clutter and junk from the workspace; clean any area that is visible to the public (this can be a large garage, utility room, or storage shed).

-dust and vacuum, sweep, mop

Friday: Home Office Area/Laundry Room (if applicable)

-Clean up any mess that is visible in your home office area or laundry room.

-dust and vacuum

-iron clothing, fold clothes

-clean up after each use (this area should be separate from your kitchen and living space).

Saturday: Rest Day!

Sunday: Vacuum and mop (repeat on the 3rd Sunday of the month).

When you use a weekly house cleaning schedule, you’ll be able to create a clear schedule that you’ll stick with and feel good about. Creating this daily routine will make it much easier to schedule time for your home cleaning. Maintaining an organized and clean home is no small task. Having a plan is the only way to keep your home looking at its best and feeling comfortable for you and those who live with you.

A home with a clean environment is the perfect place to create lasting memories, and with a realistic weekly house cleaning schedule, you can have just that! You don’t need to spend a lot of time cleaning, but you do need to spend some time maintaining your home.

Remember that this is simply a guide. Adjust it as you see fit and make sure to take care of yourself too! After all, you can only be productive if you’re able to function properly. You can share the article with family and friends who you think would benefit from seeing this information.