DIY Ideas for an Organic Garden

When it comes to DIY organic gardening, the benefits of growing your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs are far and wide. From pesticide-free produce, to richer, higher-quality foods that contribute to your overall health and well-being—a personal garden can be a great addition to any home. Here are some of our best ideas on how to start your own DIY organic garden today.

Raised Bed Garden

One of the most amazing things about summer is enjoying the fruits (and vegetables) of your labor! As such, an excellent option for DIY organic gardening is a raised garden bed. A raised garden makes for a great summer gardening project. Raised gardens sit on top of the ground and are quite easy to install. These gardens are perfect for yards that have poor soil quality and they add a decorative element to any backyard. First, find the best spot for your garden and then measure out the area. Next, either purchase a prefabricated kit or acquire cuts of wood based on your measurements to form your garden box.

Next, fill your bed with a garden liner to prevent weeds and other critters from infesting your plants. Then, add good quality soil to sustain the health of your plants, add your seeds, give them plenty of water and sunlight and then voila! You have your very own organic raised garden.

Vertical Garden

Vertical Garden
Another fun DIY organic garden idea is to think outside the box and start a vertical garden. No, not every garden has to be on the ground in the traditional sense. Today’s gardens are being built upwards and a vertical garden can help many homeowners not only maximize their space but also be creative at the same time. For instance, one fun DIY project is to turn old pallets into vertical gardens. This is an ingenious way to reuse and repurpose pallets that may be laying around collecting dust.

To build a vertical garden out of pallets, choose pallets that are of good quality. For instance, avoid those with cracked wood or protruding nails. If the slats are close together then remove every other slat to leave enough space for your plants to grow. Next, flip your pallet over and lay landscape fabric on the backside of it, ensuring there is enough space to form a pocket where your soil will go. Now, staple your fabric in place, flip it back over, and add soil to each pocket that was just created. Lastly, add your seeds and watch your plants grow over the next few weeks or months! As a modern organic gardening idea, a pallet garden is the perfect way to grow tasty herbs, flowers and even exquisite succulents that will grow throughout the spring and summer months.

Indoors Potted Garden

Indoors Potted Garden
Lastly, for those with smaller spaces like apartments, or for those who live in urban areas, an indoor organic garden is a great way to bring the outdoors inside! A garden can be grown anywhere in or around your home and if you are using UV lights to compensate the sunlight deficiency then you must take care about the electricity consumption around your indoor garden and give preference to energy efficiency. Grow healthy, delicious fruits, vegetables and herbs in decorative pots and place them throughout your home to enhance your interior’s decor.

For example, if you have a large window in your kitchen, place a shelf with lush greenery from your thriving organic plants in front of it. The chances are that guests will never know the difference between your veggies and the regular household plants that you have within your home. You can even change your plant’s containers every season to match your holiday décor as a fun way to decorate for the holidays while remaining healthy at the same time. All in all, potted gardens are a convenient way to grow organic food without detracting from the visual appeal of your living space.

Start your very own DIY organic garden today and lessen your trips to the supermarket. A DIY organic garden is an excellent way to eat healthier while taking pride in watching your own fruits and vegetables grow. It does not matter if you choose a raised garden bed, a vertical garden, or if you grow your plants in individual pots—there are plenty of options to get you started on this satisfying gardening project journey.