One of the most common questions amongst people who find joy in feeding birds in their garden is, “how can I get more species to visit this spring and summer?”
Feeding birds is great fun and watching their antics can be soothing. For some people, it starts to become a regular and interesting pastime – possibly even a light hearted version of ornithology (the study of birds).
Being a bird watcher in your own British garden can involve sightings of as many as 600 different species, although not all indigenous bird categories get up close to homes. However, there are still lots of different types of British birds to see, if you know what food to put out to tempt them to visit you.
Simply put, birds (just like their human counterparts) don’t all like the same food. In fact, different species have different feeding habits and preferences too.
Vary The Food You Put Out for Birds
Even putting out a good quality mix of bird seed can potentially limit the range of birds you will see. This makes it a good idea to use a selection of different – but nutritiously appropriate – bird food.
For example, peanuts for birds are popular with all species, as they are a great source of the nutrition they need to survive. However, bird nuts in hanging feeders are a special attraction for blue tits and great tits.
Chaffinches are known to gobble up sunflower seeds and sunflower hearts with particular enthusiasm, and suet balls are a particular favourite for woodpeckers.
Putting out a variety of food for birds is bound to make your garden popular! Check out our range, including those universally popular bird nuts.
Use Different Feeder Systems
This could include bird trays and tables that are open and accessible to confident, common British birds like jays, sparrows and thrushes. Wrens, starlings and pigeons are often happy to pick bird food off the ground too.
However, it’s important to include some bird feeders hung in trees, as less confident visitors like tits and finches would prefer to hang from these, rather than settling on surfaces.
Including bird food systems that carry bird peanuts in granular form is another way to shake things up and attract smaller visitors who like tiny morsels of food.
Good Maintenance, Year Round, Matters
Keeping your bird feeders well stocked – with quality bird food – can help bring more visitors and get them to come back regularly. Clean away uneaten contents systematically to avoid rotting.
Birds are canny and will know to pop to your garden for a reliable food source. They may even tell their friends!