How the Sun Can Damage Your Roof

When most people think of roof damage, they think of the rain, the wind, heavy storms, and tree damage – but they rarely consider the sun.

The sun can actually cause serious damage to your roof, especially if you live in a hot, dry state such as Arizona. Over time the unrelenting sun can cause a wide range of issues, including thermal shock and UV damage.

Here three ways the sun can damage your roof (as well as information on how you can avoid these issues in the future).

How to Avoid These Problems

You can avoid these problems by hiring a roofing company to install a high-quality, heat resistant roof. This will reduce the chance of any issues occurring.

It is also possible to treat your roof with roofing products that will help to protect the materials from sun damage. If you decide to use a product like this, make sure you remove all of the leaves and debris from the roof before you start. When you do this, you may discover other areas of damage; if this is the case, you may want to hire roofing specialists to help you with the project. This reduces the chance of you hurting yourself or causing further damage to the roof.

Thermal Shock

One of the most common issues that occurs during summer is thermal shock. This happens when the temperature reaches higher than usual, and then it cools down rapidly in the evening. This significant temperature change affects the moisture on the roof, which can cause the roof to expand and contract slightly within a matter of minutes. This can affect the integrity of the roof, and over time it can cause the roof to visibly warp.

UV Rays

UV rays can also affect your roof. This may seem strange; after all, most people only think of skin damage when they think of UV! However, UV rays can also change the structure of your roof on a molecular level. This is because it causes oxygen molecules on top of the roof to merge with the roof itself (for example, if your roof is made from asphalt, the oxygen will mix with hydrocarbons). Over time this can cause the color of the roof to fade, and it can also make the roof weaker.

Intense Heat

Intense heat can also have a negative effect on your roof. This doesn’t take place straight away, but over the years, too much direct heat can damage the roof. This is because the oils in your roof will evaporate if the roof gets too warm, which can cause peeling, cracks, and dryness. This doesn’t usually cause serious structural issues, but it can if it is left for too long – and it definitely makes your roof look a bit weather-beaten!

It is worth noting that this issue isn’t such a problem in colder states that get less sun, but it can be a big problem in sunny states such as Arizona.