How to Choose an Air Conditioner for Your Home: We Help You Determine The Criteria

Most air conditioners do not provide fresh air (oxygen), but only make sure that a constant temperature is maintained in the room. The pros and cons of such devices are obvious: on one hand, the user can be sure that the room will have exactly the temperature that he set on the air conditioner. On the other hand, the risk of being in a stuffy (albeit comfortable in temperature) room increases. After all, the air conditioner can work fully only when the windows are closed. Air conditioners also use a lot of electricity and bills can be constantly high. According to the US Department of Energy, air conditioners use about 6% of all the electricity produced in the United States.

Domestic air conditioners can have many additional functions and capabilities that simplify the operation of the device or increase the user’s comfort. Let’s list some of them.

Capacity and room size

In order to choose a suitable air conditioner, before going to the store, you need to decide on the size of the room and find out its characteristics (rooms located on the sunny side of the house will require a stronger cooling system). Depending on this, the power of the air conditioner is also selected.

Noise level

The noise level of an air conditioner is quite an important parameter. Especially if you plan to install an air conditioner in a living room or bedroom. A monoblock or mobile air conditioner will make more noise than a split system, since in this case, the compressor is inside the room, while in a split system it is placed in an outdoor unit. In addition, additional noise, in this case, is created by the air conditioning blower system.

The maximum noise level of the air conditioner, like the power, is indicated in the instructions. However, additional noise can be generated by unwanted vibrations and, in particular, transmitted along the floor (especially if installed incorrectly). To install a new air conditioning unit perfectly, you can contact Howard Air for professional help.


The easiest way to control the air conditioner is a mechanical panel that allows one of the modes to be activated. For example, “fan + cold strong / fan + cold weak / fan strong / fan weak”. It is clear that with the help of such a control panel it will not be very easy to set the most comfortable room temperature. And therefore – it is worth seriously considering before buying an air conditioner with such a primitive control.

Electricity consumption level

Since the capacity of air conditioners can be very large, do not be frivolous about the energy efficiency class: with regular use for several years, a more efficient device can save a lot of money (which, of course, depends on the electricity tariff in your region). The most energy-efficient class today is the A +++ class, which, however, is not very common, and the devices themselves with this energy efficiency class will cost significantly more than their less economical counterparts.

If you really want to take a serious stance on energy consumption you will be happy to know that technology has made it possible for you to cut down on it completely. How? By using solar air conditioners that run on sustainable energy from the sun. This means that you do not have to pay anything from the electricity bills by way of using solar air conditioners. If you wish to know more, please visit the website.

Automatic temperature maintenance

An air conditioner with this function can automatically maintain a preset temperature, switching, if necessary, from one mode to another (cooling, heating, ventilation) or changing the fan speed and airflow direction.