Ideas On How To Create An Amazing Robot Lawn Mower Garage

Epic Robot Lawn Mower Garage Ideas To Keep Your Gardening Equipment Safe

Mowing your lawn can be quite a hassle. This is especially true if your lawn is massive. This is where a robot mower comes in. This gardening tool can mow the lawn without human intervention. It works the same way as a robot vacuum cleaner. But instead of cleaning floors, it takes care of your yard for you.

Once you’ve finished setting it up, it offers a completely autonomous way of lawn mowing. You don’t need to switch it on, push it around, or keep an eye out on your robot while it’s doing its job. It will start cutting grass on a schedule you set it to and go back to its dock once done and recharge.

Moreover, in comparison to an ordinary lawnmower, the clippings from a robot mower will fall off to the soil to decompose and eventually become natural nutrition to your lawn. And because the blades of these robots are sharp, the grass is trimmed with a fine edge for quality grass.

Most of these machines are suitable for outdoor use in practically all weather conditions and entirely waterproof. But whenever you are not using your robot lawn mower, it’ll spend the majority of its time in its docking station, waiting for its next mowing session or charging.

Creating a robot lawn mower garage can help shield your device from ultraviolet light and adverse weather while sitting in its charging station. Likewise, it may result in your robot lasting longer.

Advantages of A Robot Lawn Mower Garage

A garage for your robotic mower presents plenty of benefits, aside from having a place to store it.

Protection from damages and the elements

Your robot will be at risk of acquiring external damage if you frequently expose it to elements and severe weather. Things like snow, hail, bird droppings, branches, and so on, can affect the performance of your robot. Simply covering it will not provide it with proper protection.

Protection from projectile impacts

A robotic lawn mower can withstand impacts. However, it’s a whole different story when it comes to its charging station. Having a garage can shield it from all sorts of projectiles. For instance, if you have a mini backyard golf course, it’s possible for wandering golf balls to the charging arm or sonar of the station, which can damage it.

Prolong the lifespan of the batteries

Shielding your machine from the sun’s heat may help its batteries last longer as well. As a result, you’ll be able to save money down the road since you won’t have to replace them as much.

Uninterrupted charging

People may move your robot mower and interrupt it while it is charging without meaning to. If you have kids at home and you’re not around, they may play with it as well. Hence, having a small protective housing can be pretty valuable.

It will make your lawn look more pleasing

Aside from safety and protection, a garage can also function as a decorative piece in your garden. In fact, some homeowners even opt to customize their garages because of how attractive these structures look. Additionally, this option enables you to fully hide your robot away from the eyes of your guests.

Best Robot Lawn Mower Shelter

Docking Station Roof

Most manufacturers do have a roof available for their robot’s docking station. Although this option may not be very unique, it is functional, looks professional, and will certainly do the job. It’s also simple to install. Simply attach it to the docking station, and that’s about it. But the biggest downside of this added extra is that its price is a bit steep.

A garage within a garage

Integrating your robot lawn mower shelter in your existing garden shed or vehicle garage and other structure around is another good solution. Simply place the docking station inside the structure and build a small gap in the wall that’s big enough for the mower to fit in.

Danish design

This is a little more challenging to build than a basic garage. Nevertheless, you don’t have to paint it. That means if you’re planning to put some little windows on it, you don’t even have to get it perfectly square. What you need to focus on here are the walls, roofs, and other design components associated with Danish housing.

Homemade house

This is another excellent idea for a robot mower garage. Aside from having character, your kids will also love seeing your device go in and out of the enclosure. You can even have it customized to look like a mini version of your home.

Raised flower bed garage

This is a particularly great idea if you want your robot’s enclosure to blend in with your beautiful garden a bit more. So instead of creating an edge similar to a house design, place a small container on top of the garage where you can keep your favorite plants in. Doing so will make the shelter look like just another pot in your garden while ensuring your robot is dry and safe all the time.

Brick robotic lawn mower garage

If you want something sturdier while keeping your unit protected and safe from any season, this is the type of garage you want. It is also a good idea to use the same bricks as your home to make it blend in. Then, equip it with a good and durable roof to shield your robot from direct sunlight. This will ensure that your machine will stay cool during the hot summer months and also give it some insulation during spring and autumn.

Carport-style garage

One of the most popular robot mower shelters you can buy online is a mini carport-style garage. It is typically made from treated fir wood for weather protection and features an adorable felt roof just like what a carport has. On top of that, the sloped roof is two layers, which you can lift to access its inside when you need to reach for the main supply or transformer. It doesn’t have any door on the front, but you can easily retrofit it with an automatic door if you want to give it a special touch.

Stone garage

Satisfy the gardener in you by building a charming garage into the side of your garden with stones rather than planks of wood. This will work especially well if you have a sloped garden. Not only will it blend beautifully with your garden but it will also fit flawlessly into the bottom of the hill.