Key Factors When Creating Wishing Wells and Fountains

A wishing well or a fountain in your yard adds a nice whimsical touch. It can be a stunning feature for you and your friends to enjoy. It can also be a practical addition if you create a real well.

This is not as difficult as you think and will provide you with a source of water. The water can be used for your garden or even in your home, although you’ll want it tested regularly and treated if necessary.

Creating the wishing well or fountain should be done in several stages.


The first stage is to plan your well or fountain. This means having a soil test completed to find the water level and understand what you will be digging through.

It also means deciding where to position the well. This will depend on whether you want it as a feature or its main purpose is to supply water to your home. It can do both!

Don’t forget to consider the design, a feature well or fountain will need to fit with your personal tastes and the landscaping you’ve done in your garden. There are many different styles available for you to choose from, take your time selecting the right one.

You will also need to check on planning regulations in your area to ensure it is acceptable to dig a well in your yard.

Building The Well

In fact, you’ll be digging the well. But, you’re not going to want to dig it by hand. Instead, opt for earth augers who will effectively drill the well for you. They can get to any level you need and will slide a pipe in as they do so, maintaining the well opening after they have drilled it.

In short, you’ll be ready to add your pump.

The hole doesn’t need to be big, just enough that the pump pipe will reach to the water.

Get A Pump

The pump you buy will need to be capable of pulling the water up from whatever depth your well is. The rate of flow will depend on whether you want it for the house or just as a feature in the garden.

Instead of putting the fountain over the well, it’s a good idea to put it near it. The well can pump water to the fountain as needed.

Of course, if you have a wishing well this can be a good place to keep the pump. The water can then be accessed for the garden or sent to your persona water treatment plant.

Finishing Touches

If the well or fountain is decorative you’ll now need to think about the finishing touches. This is any ornate finishes on the structures and what is going in the area around the well. If you’ve opted for decorative you and your friends will want to get right up to the well to enjoy it. That means laying a hard surface around it to provide access at all times of the year.

In fact, even if it’s not decorative this is a good idea!

Getting your own wishing well or fountain is a good idea and can be achieved in a few simple steps. Start planning today.