Lake Tahoe Lawn And Landscape Care In Spring

In different regions of the United States, spring ushers in the long-awaited warm season, perfect for outdoor activities. Below is a checklist to guide you get your garden in shape for the spring season ahead.

  • Test your soil. Test your garden’s soil once every few years to make sure it has enough pH mix and balance of nutrients. You can usually get your soil examined at your state’s local agricultural branch office or ask your professional lawn care or landscaper.
  • Inspect your trees and shrubs. Start your spring preparation with a meticulous inspection of your garden. Look for any parts that might be damaged or broken and prune them or have them removed by a professional local landscaper.
  • Fertilize your lawn. The choice about whether or not to fertilize your soil should be based on the nutrition demands needed by your soil conditions. Below are a few tips on feeding your garden or land:
  1. Learn your soil nutrient needs through soil testing. If your soil does require nutrients, make sure you pick a fertilizer that meets those requirements.
  2. Be sure you fertilize at the best time of the year for your different varieties of grass. Contrary to popular belief, not all lawns should be fed in spring. A few cool-season greens differ to do better when fertilized in fall. June is also an exceptional time to fertilize many cool-season kinds of grass.

Pick A Controlled-release Fertilizer Or A Slow-release.

Pick A Controlled-release Fertilizer Or A Slow-release.
Overall, it is best to pick a controlled-release fertilizer or a slow-release to decrease potential losses to the surroundings and increase nutrient intake. In certain circumstances, it may help to use organic elements, which can increase the vitality of your soil.

  1. It’s essential to read the label on the fertilizer bag before using it for you to know the exact size of your lawn. Using too much fertilizer can damage your grass and cost you more than you thought. Conversely, using too little mulch won’t yield the expected results. Numerous university researches show that under-fertilized weed can lead to a thin grass stand resulting in soil depletion and unwanted soil runoff. Always follow the label of the fertilizer for guidance.
  2. Before fertilizing your plants and lawn, always ask guidance with your local agricultural extension office. Some state and local governments set limits on when or what kind and what quantity of fertilizer you can apply. Professional, licensed lawn care businesses must comprehend the state, regional, and federal regulations.
  • Fertilize trees and Shrubs, too. Most shrubs, plants, and trees will benefit from decent fertilization with a slow-release product just before mulch is applied.
  • Add an about an inch thick layer of fresh fertilizer in plant beds and around the trees. Don’t let the fertilizer touch tree trunks and never let the fertilizer expand to more than a 3-inch depth. Mulch not only makes planting spaces look neat, but also serves to retain moisture in the soil, keeps roots fresh in the summer, and insulates them in the winter. As the mulch decays, it adds organic elements to the ground.
  • Inspect your water irrigation system. Once the climate has warmed up for the year, turn on your water irrigation system and examine it to see if it is working. If you have a landscape or irrigation firm, they can do this for you.
  • Control Weeds. Spring is an excellent time to apply a pre-emergent weed controller for weeds, like crabgrass. One idea on timing is that when forsythia is in full blossom, it’s usually the ideal time to apply the crabgrass grass controller.
  • Make planting beds neat and tidy. Rake leaves and debris from your lawn and create elegant, natural edges around the beds using an edging tool.


About The Author

This article is shared by Legends Landscaping, a professional landscaping that specializes in low water consumption drought resistant design.