Spring Cleaning Checklist: Everything Must Go!

The worldwide lockdowns have disrupted our lives and thrown routines out the window. People are forced into their homes by remote work and homeschools, and one of the noticeable signs of isolation is clutter. 

What most people fail to realise is the emotional and psychological impacts of clutter. They can become mental obstructions that can weigh you down, keeping you from being productive. Cabin fever is a real issue when you are stuck inside for months at a time.  

However, one of the easiest ways to clear the fog is to clean the clutter in your home. Not only will it serve as a welcome distraction from your daily routine, but it will also keep your house clean.

The kitchen and bathroom are two areas that attract the most muck, grease, and grime. So, you might want to start with them. Aside from making the surfaces sparkling clean, do not overlook the litter that accumulated over time.

Here are some tips for cleaning the clutter in your home. 

  1. Pantry – Check the dates and throw away bottles, boxes, and cartons that are no longer usable. Make sure to prioritise products about to expire. Restrictions and the inherent risks of being in the crowd necessitate the need to stock up groceries. Keeping a menu list ensures that you only purchase the essential items. Another handy idea is to tack a calendar behind the pantry door, which itemises the products you need to use first. 
  2. Kitchen surfaces – Tuck away items you rarely use so they do not unnecessarily litter your counters. If you have a small area, your dining area shares the same space as your kitchen. Store napkins, spoon and fork, and placemats in a spot that is easy to reach. In the same vein, organise your drawers so that your commonly used items are stored on the top shelves. 
  3. Winter clothes –  Winter clothes, along with the duvets and comforters, can keep you warm during the cold season. However, they take up space during the summer months. You can invest in those vacuum bags, which suck out the air and shrink the winter clothes or duvets–comprised mostly of air and fabric–to a fraction fo their size. You can tuck them away at the bottom of the shelves. In this way, you can stack up clothes on top of your winter items.
  4. Bathroom – Check your inventory and throw out those unused bottles. If you have two bottles of shampoo that are only half-full, transfer the contents into one capsule. Go through your medicine cabinet and dispose of empty containers. If you are buying in bulk, invest in a storage box or organiser so you can sort out the duplicate products and properly label them.
  5. Sports equipment – Well, you do not throw away your skis and boards. Instead, you can use sports equipment storage to store away your precious gear until such time you need to dust it for use when the lockdown is over. Storing them properly will lengthen their lifespan and keep them in pristine condition. More importantly, applying best practices may save your life in case you need to use them again.

Meanwhile, you can hire professionals to pick up storage to send to another location, whether to your getaway cabin or ancestral home. You do not need to clutter your home with seldomly used items. 

Finally, do not start your spring cleaning with sentimental pieces because that is the quickest way to waste time. You would be spending the rest of your day waxing nostalgic when you should be productive. 


Decluttering is a symbolic gesture that you are trying to turn a new leaf. One bonus tip is to get a large trash bag and throw unnecessary pieces in there guilt-free. You would be amazed by how quickly you can fill the trash bag as you comb through your entire house.