The Importance of Home Maintenance

When you own a home, the responsibility that is required will be enormous compared to renting. You’re completely in charge of the maintenance and you’ll not be calling the landlord when something goes wrong. It is therefore imperative that you’re taking a proactive approach when it comes to the maintenance of your home. You’ve probably heard countless times of the importance of keeping your home clean and properly maintained. You should not be doing so just because of the benefits that come with the warranty. Here are the reasons why you should maintain your home.

Saves You Money

Would it be nice to know when there is a potential problem before it gets out of hand? A good example is the roofing structure.  When there is an underlying structural problem, it will not be easy to know. With a proper maintenance plan in place, you’ll know when it is time to reach out to Integrity Pro Roofing for the complete haul of the roofing structure. While it is true that maintaining the home will require money, you’ll spend a lot less because you’ll be avoiding expensive repairs and replacements as a result. You don’t want the problem to get bigger just because you did not want to take care of it when it was first discovered.

Increases Home Value

A car will start losing value the minute it is driven off the lot. The longer you drive, the more the resale value continues to drop. The same principle will not apply when it comes to homes. The opposite is true because the longer you own a home, the more it appreciates in value.  A home that is properly maintained is likely to fetch a lot more should you decide to put in on the market. Potential homeowners will want to do inspections before making a purchase. When there are no issues with the home, there will be little room for bargaining given property they’ll be getting. You can also decide to do improvement projects to increase the value even further.

Home Warranties

Insurance companies will make it a requirement for the home to be maintained if you’re to qualify for a claim. You’re likely to pay higher premiums when there is no maintenance schedule in place. It will be hard for the insurance company to provide coverage for damages in the attic when it is discovered that you never cleaned the gutters. The majority of insurance companies will only do repairs and replacements when the homeowner has made efforts with maintenance. You’re able to save thousands of dollars when the appliance breaks even though they’re properly maintained.

Having checked some of the reasons why you should be maintaining your home, you’re probably wondering about the areas that you should be focusing on. There are some tasks that can easily be done by a homeowner and we’re going to highlight some of them.

Cleaning the Gutters: The gutter should be free of debris throughout the year so that you’re not experiencing problems with water damage. Failure to clean the gutter could lead to leaks, rotting, and other untold damage. Ideally, you should be tackling the chore during spring and fall. You might be required to do the cleaning more often if there are trees near your gutter.

Check the HVAC Unit: The best thing you can do will be to hire an HVAC technician for the maintenance as you might be aware of what you should be looking for given the technical nature of such systems.  You can change the air filters monthly or based on the recommendations from the manufacturer.

Calling Exterminators: The exterminators should be called in a timely fashion so that the infestation is not getting out of hand. The bug problem could cause havoc in the home when it is allowed to crawl out of hand. You should start researching an exterminator as soon as you become a homeowner as you can never know when you’ll find yourself in an emergency situation.


There is a high likelihood that purchasing your home is going to be the biggest investment that you’ll ever make. You’ll not want the property to deteriorate when you can avoid it by having a maintenance schedule in place. As a homeowner, it is important that you’re aware of the maintenance work that you can do and those that will necessitate calling a professional. Taking a proactive approach is important because the potential problems can be dealt with as soon as they happen so that they’re not getting out of hand.