Home insulation is something that every homeowner has heard about, but few realize how important it is. This is because houses built today rate high on energy efficiency, but older homes need to have their energy efficiency assessed. Before any attempt is made to install solar water heaters, solar panels, or heat pumps to help you save on energy bills, the first step should be to check your home’s insulation, and whether it needs to be improved.
Home Insulation
Installing reliable insulation in your home is one of the most efficient ways to keep it warm in cold weather and cool during the summer months. This ends up saving energy from being used to maintain rooms at ambient temperature. It is estimated that an average-sized attic upgraded from an R11 rating to an R49 rating will save the household around $600 a year in energy bills.
If you are thinking about installing cavity wall and loft insulation in your home, it’s best to call an insulation professional, such as Arlington Baker Insulation Contractors. It’s important not only that the right level of insulation is installed for your area and housing type, but that proper ventilation is maintained.
What Does Insulation Provide?
Besides maintaining a stable temperature in your home in winter and summer, insulation is useful in reducing noise levels. When your structure is protected from extreme weather conditions, the extra layers also lowers sound from transferring both inside and outside the home.
Other factors have to be considered when insulating a house such as:
- What type of insulation material is best?
- How old is the house?
- The overall size of the house and rooms
A professional installer will discover these things when planning the insulation measures that should be implemented.
What Areas of the Home Should be Insulated?
Next, is the roof. Your roof accounts for around 25 percent of heat loss, with doors and windows releasing around another 20 percent. The floor loses heat according to the material from which it is made.
What is Insulation Material Made From?
There are many different kinds of materials that are used for insulation. The best ones are similar to wool in consistency. Cotton-like fabrics like hemp and linen are also great insulating materials. This is why it is beneficial to have thick drapes in the rooms in your house and draw them during extreme weather conditions.
Wood-based products are also suitable for insulation purposes as they keep the house warm and cozy. There are also spray foam substances (usually polyurethane based) that are used to fill gaps around doors and windows.
It is best to ask a local insulation professional what services your home needs to keep you and your family comfortable this year.